Happiness Doesn’t Exist: Here Is How You Get Over It

How One Word Has Become An Excuse For Defeat

Dhruv Hegde
A Thought A Day
2 min readJul 25, 2022



Our compulsion to get through life in fluid manner dictates a detrimental walk of life. Rather than a serene path that is filled with all the jolly-good objects of the world, it is hellish path that constantly burns.

Once you enter, it is practically impossible to escape, and you become a slave to yourself, proceeding through life with a false sense of reality.

Our shortcomings are quite mundane in a reality where trail and error drives success. Without constant attempts, it becomes quite tough to find your purpose in the constantly operating cycle of life.

With the vast sources of entertainment and false expectations, our mind can easily be diverted and postpone our thoughts for a later day.

We, ourselves, might think we’re content with our progress, but confronting these thoughts is so painful that we constantly avoid it. This is the defining actuality around what we base our lives on.


The diversions that we constantly seek to provide us with fulfillment are simply attempts to procrastinate development, for progressing is hard and requires persistent effort from one’s part.

The more we resist change from coming, the more it provides a base of reflection on ourselves. Similar to how we appear defensive when confronted with an opposing idea, our opposition subconsciously lies on the basis of work.

Thought #9: The notion of Entertainment lies on the foundation of lies, and is simply a fabrication of our mind. Rather than being the very thing to that provides us with content and happiness, it distracts us from thinking about how to achieve it, giving us a false feeling, similar to that of pride, that’s secretly killing us.

