An Update for Writers

For existing and prospective writers, things are changing (slightly)

Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives


Image created by the author using Canva

Hello, I’m writing this on a sunny, Easter Sunday morning. For those of you who celebrate Easter, I hope you are having an enjoyable weekend. Things are progressing with A Thousand Lives in the right direction, and I’m very pleased that so many writers have chosen to publish their stories with us. In December, when this was merely an idea of mine, I had no idea how far it would go.

There are a few announcements that I’m just going to explain in this short post. I write about these changes in our newsletter (The Monthly Edition), but I figured prospective writers or even current writers might not be subscribed to that. By all means, subscribe if you would like a selection of stories delivered straight to your inbox every month (it’s free!).

· How Our Style Guide is Helping Distribution
· How We Accept new Writers
· The New Editorial Team
· Sharing your Articles via Social Media
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How Our Style Guide is Helping Distribution

Since last month, our rate of distribution has increased from 44% to a staggering 80%. Although Medium’s…



Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚