Calling all Bookish Writers

We’ve had a long and unexpected hiatus, but we’re back and we want to hear all of your book themed stories.

Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives


Image created by the author using Canva.

Hello readers,

I know it’s been a while. Many of you might have thought this publication had disappeared or was given up on altogether, but none of that happened.

Rather, life happened and got in the way. It has a funny way of doing that, right?

That, and I lost access to the email account and couldn’t get into it for a long time.

And, even hesitated about starting it up again because time has a way of running away from me these days and I wasn’t sure if anyone would still want to be a writer here. And, I also realised somewhere along the way that I missed it too.

But now I have regained access to the email account, I’ve been greeted with 1,500 emails including a ton of writer requests.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be reaching out to those who sent an email to see if you would still like to be added as a writer!

We are re-opening for submissions (from new and existing writers)

Anyway, a lot has changed in the months that this publication has not been active, but one thing…



Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚