Have you Been Reading More in The Past Year?

As it turns out, you’re not alone.

Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives


Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

A new survey by The Reading Agency has reported that 31% of people are reading more in lockdown — which is where we’re at again in the UK. Interestingly, out of those people surveyed, 7/10 have been reading fiction. Although this is only one survey, it sheds light on an interesting trend seen in the past year.

We are reading more. And is there any wonder? Books can provide us with so many things. Escapism, comfort, and education, to name a few. During my last shifts as a bookseller back in March, before the government deemed all bookshops as “non-essential” retail, I watched in wonder as swathes of people walked through our doors and bought tall piles of books.

Some were “stocking up” and preparing for the stay at home order, whilst others thought it was best to buy lots if they were in it for the long haul.

It feels like a lifetime ago now — but still — books remain. In part, A Thousand Lives was set up because of my year in reading during the pandemic. During 2020, despite not being at work for most of the year, I re-discovered my love of reading and writing about books. I wanted to share this with people and establish a place on the internet where other like-minded people could write about books that impacted them. And here we are!



Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚 https://www.violet-daniels.com/