Now Everything is Virtual, Reading is a Welcomed Offline Space

Here’s how I rediscovered my passion for reading and how it can carve out time from the online world

Shawna Healey
A Thousand Lives


Once a bookworm, my love for reading waned when it came to university and part-time working. Over the years I have bought books that I intend to read, promised myself that I would, but they ultimately sit on my bookshelf looking pretty, but unread.

I even bought a bookshelf from an Anglican priest in Manchester, who gave me a lift home. During that conversation, I found out that he once lived in the same small, forgotten Welsh town that I grew up in, but that is a story for another time.

Reading Before Lockdown

Fast forward to 2020. If I were to anticipate a time where I would be home, every day with little physical connection to the outside world, I would have liked to think that I would have spent the time “bettering” myself. In my imagined scenario, I would spend my time learning to paint, learning to sew, discovering new art and podcasts and fundamentally, reading.

I have said countless times previously that I would read if only I had the time. The time was given to me last year, and I didn’t take it. I’m not sure why, since I was furloughed and my loved…

