Pen and Paper or Keyboard, How Do You Write?

A frequently asked question of a writer is: ‘Do you write using a pen and paper, or do you type straight onto the keyboard?’

A Thousand Lives

Image from pixabay

What is your preference? Pen and paper or straight onto the keyboard?

The question got me thinking about my preference, and I started to research the benefits of my preferred method.

A study by Pam A. Mueller and Daniel M. Oppenheimer in April 2014 studied the effectiveness of note-taking onto a laptop versus pen and paper. The study found that those who wrote onto a laptop transcribed the lecture word for word, whereas those that used a pen and paper reframed the lecture into their own words.

My preference has always been to write using a pen and paper. Yes, it is a slower process, as you are essentially duplicating your work. I use my handwritten words as a first draft. I leave the handwritten words until the next day and then type them onto my laptop, and this is where I make the first set of changes.

Allowing me to sleep on the words I have written gives me time to think and digest them. I am constantly pondering; how could I improve? Because I have had written them, using a pen and paper, I can remember them.

