Prompt for Submissions

The stories we are looking for throughout October, November and December 2021

Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives


Image created by the author using Canva

Calling all writers!

I hope you are enjoying the seasonal changes (if you live in the Northern hemisphere, that is) and managing to cosy up inside with a book and your favourite beverage to accompany you. I love watching the trees change colour and being able to get jumpers out of the wardrobe.

Following on from the last call for submissions I put out back in June — which was very successful, by the way — I’ve decided to do another one to get everybody’s inspiration flowing.

Feel free to use this as a prompt, source of inspiration or something to bounce ideas from. Of course, we will still be open for all kinds of submissions, but these are the kinds of stories we are specifically looking to publish throughout the next few months.

🍂 Books that feature seasonal changes

These can be books that are set during any seasonal change. I’m always fascinated by watching the seasons change and am interested in how this is presented in novels and if featuring this transition changes the way certain themes are presented.

Stories can be in the form of book reviews, recommendation lists or even articles about…



Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚