Style Guide

What we expect from your submission, including how to format correctly and speed up the publishing process!

Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives


Photo by JESUS ECA on Unsplash

Here at A Thousand Lives, we aim to get as stories published as quickly as possible to the best standard.

This will increase your chances of being read across the platform, and maybe even ‘boosted’ by Medium employees who are working hard behind the scenes to get writers the views and readership they deserve.

If we pick you up on formatting, we’re not trying to be picky but want to maximise your chances of doing well on Medium. Sticking to this style guideline aims to increase your prospects of doing that.

Here are our handy tips for formatting and what we expect to see from your submissions.

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

Upon submitting your story, you should ensure it is the best possible standard, including correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Make sure to read your story aloud to spot any grammatical errors you may have missed.

If you find errors in your work even after proofreading, try downloading the free version of Grammarly. You can install this into Google chrome, so it works automatically in the Medium editor. It can also be used in Google docs and…



Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚