The Real Reason Why I Read Multiple Books at Once

And why you probably should too

Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives


Image provided by the author

My younger self used to think reading more than one book at the same time was a crime. I also used to think turning down pages or annotating books was one of the worst habits you could adopt.

Nowadays, I'm far more liberal—although the thought of switching between two books used to be enough in itself to give me a headache.

And I also felt guilty. It almost felt wrong to be reading an author's book half-heartedly whilst juggling it with another.

However, I've moved on. Take a look at my Goodreads account at any one time, and you'll probably see I'm usually reading more than one book at a time.

I've been reading multiple books at once for years now, and it's never let me down. But there are some ground rules I usually like to follow. So if you're finding it hard to rack through your to be read list or are in a bit of a reading slump, adopting this technique could kick start your reading.

So, why do I read more than one book at the same time?


Regardless of how gripping or intriguing my current read is, having the option to switch it up and reach for another book whilst still reading something else makes life a lot…



Violet Daniels
A Thousand Lives

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