
Sarah Kay Hoffman
A Thyme for Milk and Honey
3 min readApr 13, 2019

I spent last night with my cousin, Jason, at Fountain Centers in Albert Lea, Minnesota.

Nothing that I saw or heard there can be discussed; I signed a confidentiality agreement.

But Jason stated something last night that I’ve heard him say before, and I always find interesting and valuable.

I came into this place (recovery center) with nothing to my name; no car, social security number, cell phone, house — just a garbage bag filled with dirty clothes. I like to say I was everything-less.

If you would have told me several years ago that today I would spend a lot of time with Jason, listening to him tell his story, take photos for the recovery houses he is now part of creating and building, lunching, and just hanging out — I would have never believed it.

Growing up, I didn’t see Jason much. He was also much younger than me, but even still, I saw a lot of my cousins who were much younger than me. In fact, I don’t have too many recollections of spending time with him, until that one year at Thanksgiving or Christmas (he and I figured it must have been in 2005) when he showed up at a family event looking similar to the top left image. He didn’t stay long; we never spoke.

Fast forward to today, I finally understand the gap all those years. Jason didn’t just go one day living a “normal” life to the next a drug addict and alcoholic. And what I’ve learned this past year while really getting to know him and hearing him speak is that the disease is like any other; you can’t just “get over it.”

After hitting a final last rock bottom in 2010, Jason was somehow saved by the grace of God (he will tell you that — those are not my words). His story is incredible, fascinating, and filled with a rollercoaster of emotions.

Yesterday he finally launched his blog where he is going to share that story. You’ll find it HERE via Recovery Reinspired. The first post is titled, A Lost Boy. Join his journey and share with anyone and everyone you know who is in the recovery world or has a loved one who is.

Watch as everything-less to everything unfolds.

Xox, SKH

