Frequent Flier

Sarah Kay Hoffman
A Thyme for Milk and Honey
3 min readSep 22, 2019

This girl is something else.

Ryan sent me a text late last week that one of her teachers told him they refer to her as a frequent flier.

I literally LOL’d.

I’m not sure there has ever been a more accurate term to describe Amiya the bee than a frequent flier.

When she decides she wants to go somewhere, she bolts. And when her mind is made up about something, she’s fierce. The girl is constantly flying.

On this day, two years ago, we signed the papers to make Amiya part of our family forever. HERE is her Gotcha Day post.

Last year, for her one-year anniversary, I shared the Firsts with Us.

I went to re-visit both posts today, and was reminded that, although it’s never been easy, it’s always been a journey I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Adoption and Marriage

The day you sign on the dotted line in court, saying ‘yes’ to forever, is met with so much joy. Once you leave the court, real life settles in.

It’s actually very similar to marriage. All the planning, courting, preparing, and excitement that is leading up to the big day. And then the vows are exchanged, an official marriage license is signed, and real life settles in.

You can’t know what will happen the next day, but life continues on regardless of what happens.

There are good times and not-so-good times, and there is work that must be done in order to watch the relationship grow and thrive.

For Ryan and I, we believe that marriage is forever. There is no giving up once the lifelong commitment has been made.

I view adoption the same.

Samarah, Isaiah, and Amiya were not born on accident. Their lives would have never been “better off” had they not been here at all.

….because they made our lives complete.

There is always a reason.

Frequent Flier

So back to the frequent flier.

She is a ball of high, high energy. There is no getting in a word edgewise when she’s made up her mind.

The girl is dominant and fierce. When she gets mad, everyone in the neighborhood knows it.

And when she laughs, you can’t help but laugh along with her.

I am so thankful that Amiya is ours; that we are hers.

And I hope she chooses to fly with us forever.

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Xox, SKH

