Milk, Honey, and Thyme

Sarah Kay Hoffman
A Thyme for Milk and Honey
3 min readFeb 25, 2019

Yesterday I finally launched A Thyme for Milk and Honey, and this morning when I woke up, I felt so calm (and excited) to finally have a place like this where I can just write. No (for now) goals or objectives; just my heart.

I briefly shared about milk, honey, and thyme yesterday. Today I wanted to expand on it a little bit.

Milk and Honey

  • Exodus 3:8: So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey….
  • The life application Bible I’m studying this year says, “This was a poetic word picture expressing the beauty and productivity of the Promised Land.”
  • prosperity and abundance
  • meaning, “all good things — God’s blessings; and that the Promised Land must have been a land of extraordinary fertility
  • milk, cream = the richest portion of a substance
  • honey = purified product of a natural substance


  • a small, attractive herb
  • its leaves vary in color from deep to paler green shades, some with touches of olive, silver (one of the hardiest), or bronze
  • a nutrient-dense spice (and one of my favorites)
  • thyme = time, so it was the perfect play off my favorite Bible verse ever, “Everything is beautiful in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Milk, Thyme, and Honey

And so it ended that I’d choose A Thyme for Milk and Honey. Where I once believed Gravel Roads would be the name I called my highly-personal dream book to publish, A Thyme for Milk and Honey has now fully replaced.

Gravel Roads was, “When gravel roads are all you’ve ever known, you learn to find beauty in the dust.”

A Thyme for Milk and Honey is, “Everything is beautiful in its time.”

Do you spot the difference? It might not be a huge difference, but for me it actually is very significant.

Gravel Roads pulled darkness into light. A Thyme for Milk and Honey is just light.

Last week I did an energy session with this woman named Natalie Ehmka. It was so powerful that I unlocked (with her help) the last “missing piece” to a puzzle I’ve been feverishly trying to fit together with my life story for several years now.

And through the work, I came out on the other side seeing and realizing only this light in a brand new way. I believe we all have the capability to unlock this, but it takes time and a lot of introspective work.

I do it through words. You might do it in a completely different way. It doesn’t matter.

For me, and for you, what matters is that there is always….

A Thyme for Milk and Honey

Xox, SKH

