Minnesota Trail Running

Sarah Kay Hoffman
A Thyme for Milk and Honey
3 min readMay 19, 2019

If you read my more personal stories when I shared them on A Gutsy Girl in the past, you might remember how often I wrote about my love for trail running in the mountains.

The very last time I ran a trail race was in October of 2017, and that was in California. After that, I was “benched” for quite some time. And by quite some time, I mean almost two years.

For over a year now, I sort of resisted the urge to test out Minnesota trail running. In Change with the Change (March, 2018), I stated,

In fact, I’m not even going to do a trail race in Minnesota in the foreseeable future. That was a love I had in California, and even though I might still love it here, right now is not the time to explore it.

So getting into the Superior Trail Race and then completing it yesterday was some sort of new feat for me.

I have not stepped foot on a Minnesota trail to run in my entire life. And, in fact, I have not even run more than 5 miles for a very long time.

But, I did it! 12.5K (which isn’t much at all, only about 7.75 miles total) in Lutsen, Minnesota. And here’s what I learned / now know.

Minnesota Trail Running

  1. Minnesota trail running is beautiful!
  2. The difference between Minnesota and California trail running is neither good nor bad. It’s just different.
  3. California had much steeper climbs; Minnesota, tougher foot work.
  4. I was never as cold running trails in California as I was yesterday. The start was about 40 degrees and it rained lightly for some of the race.
  5. I believe I can find an incredible trail running community here, just as I did in California.
  6. There are some fast trail runners in Minnesota!

I still believe that running in the mountains is beautiful, but I am now a huge fan of all the beauty that lies on the Minnesota trails. It was far from easy — tons of mud, water, sloshing, deep and huge tree roots, rocks, branches, all of it.

My feet found all their muscles again, and today my body has reminded me of that day-after trail race feeling.

But when I was running through the woods, all I could think about was why I started trail running in the first place and what it was that kept me going.

Peace, calm, serenity — that’s what it was. Trail running always has been my form of meditation. I can’t sit still to do an actual meditation or yoga for the life of me. BUT, I can run free through the woods. And in those moments, it takes all the physical and mental presence.

I focused on breath, feet, and positive mantras the entire time.

And when it was over, despite not having access to a warm shower for several hours, I could only think, “When will my next trail race be?”

Why? Because it was far from my best race. I felt slow and the foot work was way too hard for (what felt like) a trail race beginner. I only placed 75th out of 179 females, which is a far cry from my past.

But, the good news is……I’M BACK!!!

Ugh, like everything else in this state, I love Minnesota trail running.

Xox, SKH

