She’s Off to Kindergarten

Sarah Kay Hoffman
A Thyme for Milk and Honey
3 min readSep 5, 2019

Last night, Samarah was drinking water while laying in bed….and it was loud. Brought me right back to the first night she came home from the hospital with us.

So as we laid there, I told her about how, when she was just an itty-bitty preemie, I would hold her while carefully feeding her the pre-made bottles the hospital sent home. And even back then she was so loud. I started mimicking the extra-huge gulp noise she made; she giggled so hard that the water she was consuming flew out of her mouth.

She really loves that story; she loves all those stories from “when she was a baby.”

So we sprinkled the magical night-before-Kindergarten “dust” underneath her pillow (her new teacher gave it for some extra pre-K fun — adorable!). I told her,

Tomorrow is a big day. It’s your first day of Kindergarten, and you’re going to love it. I love you Angel Baby. Good night.

And here we are — she’s off to Kindergarten today.

I remember those early days, bottle-feeding Samarah and thinking of alllllll the things we would do together as she got older.

I couldn’t hardly wait to see what she would look like on her first day of Kindergarten.

And now I know.

Here we are — almost 6 years later.

I want time to slow down now because she’s really off to Kindergarten.

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Xox, SKH

