Vim time travel

It will save your life when you mess up with UNDO

Felippe Nardi
1 min readJan 22, 2014

Remember that time when you UNDO stuff, do some modifications, regret it, and them you are stuck because your early state is now unreachable by REDO?

Everyone has been there before. But worry no more!

Gif recorded with LICEcap. Keystrokes preview by KeyCastr.

You can travel back in time with a single command:

:earlier 3m

This will time travel 3 minutes to the past.

Now, this:

:later 5s

… will bring you back 5 seconds to the future.

If you fancy an interactive history branch, I do recommend Undotree plugin by mbbill.

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Felippe Nardi

I help you create super interactive and unique live experiences for online audiences that you can run entirely by yourself 🚀