Lightning fast vimrc editing

Edit and source with just two key mappings

Felippe Nardi
1 min readJun 29, 2014

Did ever find yourself lazy about adding new plugings or mappings just because it is such a pain to edit and source the VIMRC?

Some times modifying VIMRC requires just more key presses then it will actually save on the short term.

But here are two mappings to totally speed up this process:

"Easy access to vimrc
nnoremap <leader>ev :vsplit $MYVIMRC<cr>
"Reload vimrc
nnoremap <leader>rv :source $MYVIMRC<cr>

Note: You may need to change “$MYVIMRC” with the exact path to your vimrc file.

This is the last painful block you will ever add to your VIMRC. After that, editing and sourcing will require just two key mappings:

To edit vimrc press: \ev
To reload (source) vimrc press: \rv

The fisrt key is your leader, and it is backwards slash (\) as default. In the example above, my leader key is set to comma (,).

This tip is brought to you by Corey M., a vim user for just three weeks so far and is really getting into the spirit of the thing. Thanks, man!

Felippe Nardi

P.S. For more editing tips and tricks enhance your workflow in Vim, check out the A Tiny Tip of Vim newsletter.




Felippe Nardi

I help you create super interactive and unique live experiences for online audiences that you can run entirely by yourself 🚀