The Wanderer's Odyssey
A Traveler’s Odyssey
4 min readApr 1, 2022


Image from the serie “Sherlock” of BBC. All rights reserved to BBC.

The greatest detective in literature teaches us new words, exotic cases, but also something important for our career, how to open a business, and the best, how to be profitable and grow with it. Want to know how to have a successful business? Let Sherlock Holmes teach you.

1- Do what you like

Sherlock and Watson are a perfect pair, Sherlock could very well get a more common and less risky job, but he doesn’t want to, do you know why? Because he likes to test his knowledge, he likes his job, he loves what he does. This should lead to your business, never do something you don’t like just because it brings profit, the chance of you giving up or going bankrupt is greater than doing something you know best and more important, something you like to do.

2- Upgrade only what you need

We certainly know how smart Sherlock Holmes is, but did you know that he only studies and improves what he needs for his work? Any information or study that is useless to him is discarded completely, as it may interfere with his investigation. We tend to think that learning a little bit of everything is essential for success, but that’s not quite the case.

We must improve only what is necessary for our business to grow, generating new knowledge, ideas and improvements, and never outdated studies that will not add anything to our company.

3- Plan your time like a maestro

Time management is something very difficult these days. The rush hour, the stress, the bill getting higher at the end of the month, all this for a business, especially when opening a company, is complex and painful. Sherlock teaches that we should have time for work, and not mix it up with leisure time, as it’s precious and very short. Use your work time wisely, plan ahead for every change to your business, and above that, value the time you have left to get your head together. The success of your company depends most of the best use of your time and resources, a great mental health, because with that, you will have less headache when solving a problem. Be the maestro of your time.

4- Make powerful connections

Have you noticed how many people go to Sherlock without him having to create a newspaper’s ad or hand out business cards? It was mysterious, as if Sherlock knew everyone in town, even if he didn’t leave his house. But this mystery has a name, networking.

Sherlock had powerful friends in law enforcement and politics, detectives who couldn’t solve a case but knew he could, and former clients always recommended him as “the best.”

When opening a business, know how to manage your partners and create a feeling of comfort and trust for your customers, these are very big steps for the success of your company in the beginning, because from that, you will not need to go in search of service or customers, they will come after you!

5- Think outside the box

We always think that there is a single “success formula” for a particular company or line of business, don’t we? Analyzing competitors is always good, knowing what goes right and wrong too, however, will their wrong be the same mistake on your company? Sometimes it just needs a different touch, an innovation.

Watson described several of Sherlock’s investigative methods as unusual, but always brought faster results than the “already known formula”. That’s because everything is constantly changing and those who get stuck in an old spreadsheet will never be able to think outside the box and be Sherlock in business area. Focus on improving your old knowledge, and innovate with new ones for your company (but not forgetting tip number 2, see?).

Starting a business seems to be a 7-headed beast, but in reality it is not that complex. Sherlock shows us that patience, dedication and trust are key to a successful business. So follow these 5 tips, improve them if you want, and your business will start the right way, and your profit will only tend to grow. What did you think of these tips? Are there any extras that Sherlock teaches us that I didn’t put here? Let me know!

Don’t forget to share with that friend of yours who is undecided whether or not to open a business, this will definitely help to take a direction in this decision. See you all, stay health and growing as a person always!



The Wanderer's Odyssey
A Traveler’s Odyssey

Writer of cheap philosophies and great advice. Coffee and drama/thriller lover. "When I read a book or watch a movie, I'm entering into a different world."