9 Questions about Gilmore Girls

Or that time we HouseParty-ed and talked everything Gilmore Girls

A Trust Fund Voices
21 min readSep 20, 2020


We’re trying something new with today’s piece. Instead of just generated responses, I transcribed while we chatted on the HouseParty app. I really wanted to make this piece collaborative and a conversation between us. We had a great time chatting (for over two hours!) and arguing (mostly on my part) about this wonderful show. It was an incredibly fun concept to explore and get to write whatever we felt like all about the same topic, and it changed sometimes right before beginning to write. So to end our weeklong retrospective of Gilmore Girls, here’s the last conversation — for now — about Gilmore Girls.

Mitchell Haddad/The WB

1) Favorite Gilmore Girl

Sydney Weinshel: Emily

Shelby Lueders: but is Emily actually a GG??

SW: I classified her as a GG in my piece earlier this week.

SL: But I classified her as not a GG in my piece.

Aimée Heath: Well, I think we all agree that Emily is the real MVP…but if we have to choose between Rory and Lorelai, it’s gotta be Lorelai for all of us.

SL: A good distinction, we can all agree that Rory is stupid. Okay sooo…

SW: I feel like Lorelai, even though she’s problematic, is a more developed character than Rory. Rory’s character has a lot of plotholes.

SL: Rory’s storyline is all plot holes to me. I feel like she doesn’t make sense at all

SW: In what way? In high school she’s one way, then she’s kind of “corrupted” by Jess (which we’re all here for) but there’s no reason for her to go back to Dean and then she goes to college and becomes socially inept. They make her seem super unsocialized in college as if she didn’t have friends and boyfriends growing up and in High School.

AH: Yes! In college, Rory doesn’t have any real, lasting friendships except for her friendship with Paris. And even then, when asked if Paris is her best friend, she says no! She’s horrible for that.

SW: Her life falls apart when she goes to Yale.

SL: Which is disappointing!

SW: Lorelai raises her in this very specific and positive way, but then she goes to college and regresses into the world of Emily and Richard.

AH: I actually want to defend that arc, though. Basically, Lorelai was born into that world of wealth, clout, and privilege, and she chose to leave. Rory, however, didn’t really have that choice, so it’s honestly not that surprising that once she got a second chance at living that kind of life, she chose it. I think Logan was a big part of that, too.

SW: Logan is a huge reason she moves into that world.

SL: Booooooo

SW: I’m not anti-Logan, I was in fact team Logan for a while and he makes sense to me even though I think we can all see the red flags, but Rory’s character overall takes some really big leaps without any build-up or explanation. Whereas Lorelai has more context to her character / decisions.

AH: Yes! When I was younger and would watch reruns of GG on ABC Family, I would often find myself annoyed by Lorelai. She just seemed really self-centered and kind of annoying. But when you actually sit and watch the series all the way through, it’s hard not to love her and appreciate her (even when she is a bit self-centered and annoying).

SW: Lorelai gave away Bangles concert tickets to Rory and her “friends”.

AH: The bottom line is this: At the end of the day, Lorelai is a good person overall, but Rory…I don’t think she is.

2) Favorite Townie

SL: Okay so favorite Townie

SW: Not Lindsay.

ALL: *laughs*

SW: It’s so hard — it’s so easy to say Kirk because Kirk is amazing and it’s a cop-out because there’s so many reasons why it’s Kirk. But the friendship between Babette and Miss Patty… I think it’s gotta be Miss Patty. She is so funny, like that great aunt that makes moves on your boyfriend and has been married a thousand times. That episode where they’re in the Town Meeting and her date keeps interrupting? Classic Patty with her string of men in love with her.

SL: I don’t remember any of that.

SW: It’s early — the second or third season (Take the Deviled Eggs 3/6)

SL: So you would say then Sydney that your fave is Ms. Patty?

SW: Yes, but Kirk is wholesome and ridiculous and perfect especially with the later season when he’s dating Lulu and his film is awesome.

SL: What about you, Aimée?

AH: Are we considering Mrs. Kim a townie?

All: Yeah.

AH: Okay then, I’ll speak in defense of Mrs. Kim. While I wish they just made her a single mother —

SL: Woah wait, Mrs. Kim isn’t a single mother?

AH: Oh God…just wait until AYITL! Anyway, I like the juxtaposition of her and Lorelai as mothers, and I do really love the growth of Mrs. Kim in the later episodes.

SW: I feel like that’s the great turning point of Mrs. Kim when she starts to embrace Lane’s true self.

AH: The first time we meet Mrs. Kim, she says, “Boys don’t like funny girls.” But by the end of the series, she fully supports Lane and Zack’s music career (maybe even to a fault).

SW: [insert a huge discussion on Lane’s first sexual experience that we couldn’t even possibly type out]

AH: But this brings it back to Mrs. Kim. She sits Lane down on her wedding day and tells her, “Lane, you’re going to have to do it with that boy,” and something along the lines of, “if you’re lucky, you’ll only have to do it once like me.” There’s actually an interesting queer reading of Mrs. Kim available here. Perhaps the reason she was so vehemently opposed to being intimate with her husband was because she was actually gay, but sadly oppressed by her religion. Just food for thought!

SW: They also start to parallel Lane and Mrs. Kim — maybe Lane isn’t as different as Mrs. Kim as we all thought.

SL: Who’s my favorite townie? So my first thought is also Kirk, which is probably an easy answer, but honestly at most points in the show right now, Kirk is the only thing keeping me going. I find him so funny and so absurd compared to everyone else. Kirk is the comedic relief that I need to find the show funny. But if we aren’t choosing Kirk since he is so easy to choose, I have an intense love-hate relationship with the town Troubadour.

SW: You mean Grant Lee Phillips? He has new music coming out!

SL: I have a weird hatred of him. Because for some reason, I despise him and yet I get so excited when he’s there because then I get to hate on him. He’s just so random — more random than Kirk — because he has no warning and no lines at all, suddenly he’s just there and I find his presence such a ridiculous choice that I think, ultimately, I’m confused by it. Similarly to the fourth wall breaks in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which Zack and I are rewatching now with HBOmax, I’m so caught off guard by his character that I just have a jolted reaction.

3) Favorite Episode

SW: Okay, my favorite episode for me is the dance marathon episode (They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They 3/7) and I think it’s because it’s a great themed episode. They have a weird town event happening that reminds you where they live and how awesome Stars Hollow is, but also because this is the episode where we finally, finally, finally, finally, get Rory and Jess together. It just takes the cake. I’m a die-hard Jess fan and there’s such a build-up to this moment with finally Dean and Rory breaking up and the quiet moment on the bridge where they (Rory and Jess) don’t really say anything but decide to be together. There’s a great mix of drama where Dean breaks up with Rory in front of everyone, but some sweet moments between Jess and Rory, Lane and Dave, Lorelai and Luke, and then the hilarious 4 in 4 Jackson/Sookie argument. It’s a great way to see the townies —

AH: Competitive Kirk!

SL: Competitive Fucking Kirk!

SW: And drunk Taylor when he becomes a magician. It’s just such a great portrayal of Stars Hollow and the relationships in Stars Hollow.

AH: It’s bittersweet, though, because it has the Luke and Lorelai moment where they heavily hint at wanting to have kids together but — spoiler — they never do. So, I think my favorite episode …has to be “Wedding Bell Blues” (S5E13).

SW: SUCH a great episode.

AH: Ugh, it’s the best. I’m very partial to Richard and Emily. I actually enjoyed — eh, maybe appreciated is a better word — the arc of their separation. I’m always just happy to see more of them in the show. Then this episode where they renew their vows is just really, really sweet. But the ending is bittersweet too, with Lorelai telling Emily — wait, you haven’t seen this episode!

SL: *shakes head at camera*

SW: There’s a lot of Lorelai/Emily drama. One of my favorite Luke lines is in this episode when he’s fighting with Christopher.

AH: I also love that we see a more aggressive side to Rory. She comes on to Logan in a big way, which also kind of showcases her self-centeredness… Her grandparents are renewing their vows, her mom is potentially having some major relationship issues, and there Rory is just trying to hook up with Logan.

SW: And then Luke and Christopher get into a fight about who has been a better father to Rory (spoiler, it’s def Luke).

SL: I’m so bad at picking episodes.

SW: I think “A-Tisket, A-Tasket” (S2E13) is a great choice [What I originally had selected]! Another weird themed town event.

SL: Yes!

SW: I think this is your favorite episode because it’s one of the first times we really see Jess expressing an interest in Rory.

SL: When I was watching it, the whole storyline was so ridiculous yet simple, which I think is how and when the show succeeds.

SW: The show is at its best when the show is about Stars Hollow

SL: Maybe

SW: A lot of my favorite eps revolve around town things. The town works so well as an ensemble. You see the GG relationship with the town and weird glimpses into other people’s lives.

SL: But the town is in a bubble! It’s positive because it’s whimsical and adorable but it’s not productive. Nothing changes. Everyone returns to their original, lesser self at the end

SW: The show is best when it’s just about daily life.

AH: When it’s a hangout show!

SL: But I wouldn’t say that’s because of SH. There’s episodes I love with Paris and Rory at Yale. “A Tisket, a Tasket” is, exactly right, that first time we’re seeing the drive of JEss and it’s intoxicating

AH: *fans self*

SW: It’s the first time you see Rory admit it — she could just as easily say “you’re an asshole, I don’t wanna have lunch with you” but she tells Dean “The town, the rules…”

SL: There’s nothing productive that happens in Stars Hollow! It’s a bubble that unfortunately doesn’t change much. I think this episode is one of my favorites because of another item on this list — for what I’ve seen so far, this is the weirdest town event. I literally do not understand the point of this basket bidding war.

SW: Isn’t it to raise money for the bridge that is always falling apart?

SL: Isn’t it sexist and old school? Absolutely ridiculous!

SW: Should we just move into our favorite town event category?

SL: Sure

4) Favorite Town Event

SW: So I think my favorite thing to happen in Stars Hollow is “To Live and Let Diorama” (S5E18)

AH: Omg that’s my favorite!

SW: It’s this Stars Hollow museum thing with this freaky ass diorama. It depicts frontier Stars Hollow, then, like, 1940s Stars Hollow, then 1960s Stars Hollow. The whole thing is so fucking weird. Basically one of the oldest people in town dies and in his will he wants his home to be turned into a museum of the town. He’s supposed to have all these artifacts, but it’s all just crap. In that episode, Rory gets trashed on Patty’s Founder’s Day punch that’s notoriously like jungle juice. It’s one of only a handful of times you see Rory truly trashed.

AH: I would say the diorama is my favorite town event, too. It’s is everything that “Stars Hollow the Musical” in AYITL wanted to be, but could never be. Everything about it is amazing! It’s a Taylor Doose stunt I can actually get behind. You’ve got the mute child, you’ve got “Aquarius” playing over the 1960s hippy mannequins, you’ve got the little girl saying, “And I love Jesus!” Just incredible.

SL: I have literally no idea what you’re talking about it.

SW: That episode is also the beginning of Rory and Logan.

AH: So ASP’s husband, Daniel Palladino, often wrote episodes of the show, including “To Live and Let Diorama.” Some of his writing choices are considered pretty controversial, but this stupid diorama thing is by far his best work on Gilmore Girls.

SW: It’s so bizarre and funny. Taylor Doose has such a deep love for the town so when he has the opportunity to make the Stars Hollow museum, of course, he wants it to be amazing and tries so hard to make it amazing while everyone else thinks it’s a disaster

AH: Sometimes I just watch the diorama scenes all spliced together on YouTube…gets me every time.

SL: My favorite town event is “The Festival of Living Art” (S4E7).

SW: I can’t believe I forgot about that! It’s truly bizarre.

SL: That’s really just it? It always seemed so many of the town events aren’t on a stage like that. Literally. I was watching the episode and wondering, who are these people who are out front? I know there are other local towns

SW: This one’s kind of more of a state event.

SL: You have all these people who were never here before, not even necessarily observing the ridiculousness that’s happening behind the scenes, like the makeup, and the fucking “Last Supper: group

SW: Kirk/Jesus won’t talk to Judas!

SL: Everything in this episode encapsulates how delightfully ridiculous SH is, and there are other people there to appreciate it. I was impressed they pulled it off! Shit was about to go down with Lorelai and her stage fright, Kirk not speaking to Judas. But it was a great episode. I want living art to be a real thing.

5) Weirdest thing to happen in Stars Hollow

SW: So that was our favorite town event, and those could be considered the weirdest town events, but Shelby isn’t here yet, but in Season 7, a pickle train just derailed and the whole town just smells like pickles for a whole episode? It’s the dumbest storyline on the whole show and it’s clearly the new writers as the showrunners would never have done that.

SL: The showrunners already did it! With the eggs!

SW: The pickle train had nothing to do with Stars Hollow at all. It was there for no reason. There was no tie-in. Literally just a pickle train derailed and made everything smell bad. At least the egg thing was embedded in town event with Kirk fucking up the Egg Map.

AH: It was just very sitcom-y. Everyone’s reactions to the smell were way over the top and not funny. Yeah, I hate that one.

SW: That episode and the one where they try to rename all the streets. There’s an episode where in order to increase tourism they want to revert the streets back to the original street names from way back colonial times.

SL: Still haven’t seen either of these.

SW: The Dragonfly Inn is on Sores and Boils alley — that’s a lame and weird storyline.

AH: I think I’m also going to go with a Season 7 moment, even though Season 7’s an easy punching bag. I think it’s actually in the first episode of that season, but I can’t stand when Kirk crashes Taylor’s car into Luke’s diner. It results in Lorelai and Rory having a painful exchange in which they try to reference The Fast and the Furious…very rough writing. It also leads to Luke’s diner being temporarily closed and Kirk opening his own replacement diner in the town square. He dresses like Luke, acts like Luke, and is just such a dick to Luke for seemingly no reason, which I hated to see.

SW: I kind of forgot about that. It’s weird and out-of-character for Kirk.

AH: Anytime they mess with Kirk, we’re not happy.

SL: I…ooh gosh…I have so many to choose from…when Lindsay is throwing all of Dean’s shit out of the house.

SW: Which honestly he deserved.

SL: Totally deserved!

SW: I think what’s weirder is the confrontation between Lindsay and her mom with Rory and Lorelai.

AH: I was gonna say!

SL: The egg episode…I absolutely hated the Jess and Rory car crash.

SW: I hated the swan storyline more.

AH: Ha!

SW: I get that he doesn’t want to say in front of Emily that he got attacked by the swan but there were so many times he could’ve said to Rory that it happened. We see Rory be really shitty.

SL: Oooh I just thought of another one! The burning down of the Independence Inn! That was unexplained!

SW: It was a kitchen fire!

AH: Still kinda vague, though…

SL: I understand that that moved things along with the Dragonfly, which we want for Lorelai and Sookie, but having the Independence suddenly go up in flames is very ominous and foreboding, and truly just an unnecessary event. You could’ve had anything else with Mia happen. You’ve already had her in the show, she could’ve sold it, repurposed it, allowed Lorelai and Sookie to respectfully depart? Anything!

AH: Right? Mia was going to sell it at one point…not totally sure why they just dropped that idea.

SL: Burning it down was unnecessary and another ridiculous thing.

6) Favorite Boyfriend

SL: Okay so favorite boyfriend.

AH: Are we talking Rory’s boyfriends, or are all boyfriends fair game?

SW: Over the course of the entire show — I was thinking mostly Lorelai and Rory, but it could be anyone. But mine is Jess. Hands down, I am Team Jess to the fucking end. Out of every boyfriend that appeared on the show, he represents someone that has a lot of integrity and is always coming from a place where he wasn’t given the right opportunities or not in the right place for him. He was really smart but had behavioral issues and didn’t have the support he needed. He really grew as a person and matured. He is just someone who, unlike other boyfriends except maybe Zach, he grows. Over the course of the show, Jess has some of the most significant character development besides Emily and Mrs. Kim. Jess probably wasn’t the best boyfriend when they were together, but he has the most growth.

AH: Before I get to my favorite boyfriend, I want to follow up on some of that. I do agree that Jess has one of the most satisfying arcs; I do really like where he ends up. But I think it’s undeniable that when he actually dated Rory, they probably had the worst relationship out of the three. You mentioned Dean being a bad boyfriend… I do think people give Dean more credit than he deserves, but I would argue that Rory treated Dean much worse than he treated her, overall. Rory was clearly into Jess for a long time while still dating Dean and constantly gaslighting him, saying there was nothing going on. Meanwhile, she was calling Jess at night, hanging out with him without Dean, and skipping school to go see him in New York. Honestly, all of Rory’s relationships are upsetting to me on some level. So on that note, for my favorite boyfriend of the show…I think I have to go with my guy Luke.

SL: Luke is definitely the best boyfriend.

SW: 100% untrue. I can’t tell you why, but he’s the worst. I’m sorry, but Max Medina was the best boyfriend for Lorelai. When Luke and Lorelai were together, just the jealousy issues and the way he handles his daughter takes a huge toll on Lorelai and Max Medina is actually perfect. Lorelai ditching this wedding just breaks my heart because he did nothing wrong. Jess is my favorite boyfriend but I think Max is the best boyfriend.

AH: Fair points. But for Luke…with the exception of some of his choices in Seasons 6–7, I think Luke is just a genuinely great guy.

SW: I think Luke is a great guy, he’s not a bad person at all, I just don’t think he was the best boyfriend to Lorelai when they were together. He had trust issues with her and he didn’t handle his daughter-situation well.

AH: I definitely get frustrated with him during all of the April drama. Here’s the thing: this happens a lot with Gilmore Girls (and probably other shows), where if a character you don’t like does something bad, you’re like, “yep, they suck.” But if a character you do like does something bad, then suddenly it’s the writers’ fault. I’m 100% guilty of this with Luke…I love him for all the good that he does, but hate the writers for ruining him in Season 6. In spite of it all, what seals the deal in my mind for him being the right person for Lorelai is his love for and treatment of Rory. He also really prioritizes Lorelai. He talks so little and listens so much, and the kind gestures he makes toward her really speak volumes. I do think Lorelai and Christopher might have better chemistry — it’s actually sometimes hard to buy how attracted she is to Luke. Hmm, maybe this is a crappy defense…

SW: No you’re totally right. At the very least, he is a great guy to Lorelai and Rory. He consistently showed up for Rory when she needed him. He shows up for both of them in a way that Lorelai really acknowledges and appreciates him. The physical connection, and the Rory connection, is what keeps Lorelai going back to Christopher, but Luke will always give up everything for Lorelai and Rory. My issue with Luke comes back to how he handles his daughter-situation with Lorelai.

AH: Again, Season 6… #NotMyLuke!

SL: Can Tristan be my favorite boyfriend?

SW: I hate you so much.

SL: It’s hard to pick a boyfriend we haven’t already talked about. Furthermore, my hatred for Logan is because there was already a Logan in Tristan.

SW: You’ve only seen the bad side of Logan so far.

AH: He winds up being the best fit for Rory!

SW: I wouldn’t argue that…. I think they should have brought Jess back and he’s my favorite boyfriend.

AH: Nah, Jess is too good for her by the end. She deserves Logan.

SL: *Stares off into space since I have no idea what they’re talking about*

SW: Logan becomes the exception to the rule that Rory somehow reigns in and breaks into the boyfriend-type. At the end of the day, the logan you’re introduced to is completely different than the one at the end of the show

SL: And that’s fine.

AH: So I actually really like Logan’s arc in Season 7. They made some really interesting choices that I can totally get behind. But in AYITL, ASP walked him back big time.

SW: Season 7 Logan was not ASP’s opinion of Logan.

SL: So I guess I don’t have a favorite boyfriend.

AH: Dave Rygalski!

SW [at the same time]: But your favorite boyfriend is Luke!

SL: Yes, but also what Aimée said, Dave! Dave! Dave is awesome. Dave is adorable. I love Zach too. They’re not clingy or drama-ridden and really seem to love Lane? Which we don’t see in any of the other characters. Probably because they’re side characters so therefore we only see the positive, short times.

7) Least favorite story arc

SW: The combination of Dean getting married, being in love with Rory still, and then cheating on Lindsay with Rory. The time that they’re married and the affair plus the breakup. He somehow goes regresses with intelligence — he would read things Rory would give him, but when they break up he becomes this loser townie, and suddenly he’s getting married. And then they decide to get back together! It’s a regression on all sides

AH: They definitely ruined Dean. In Season 1, you can totally see why Rory likes him. He gets her Rosemary’s Baby reference, he takes a genuine interest in her love for reading, and he’s generally pretty respectful toward Lorelai. As soon as they introduce Jess, though, suddenly Jess is the one who likes reading, and Dean…plays hockey? Once again, #NotMyDean.

SW: They make it one or the other. So that regression of intelligence of Dean getting married and cheating with Rory is my least favorite.

AH: I’m trying to think of something fresh because I don’t want to talk about Luke and April again…that argument is kind of tiring. Hmm, well I don’t like what they do to Paris at the end of Season 3 — when she decides to have sex with Jamie. Paris and Jamie actually have a seemingly healthy relationship before they have sex, and then suddenly everything goes downhill. First of all, we get that weird moment where Lorelai claims she “got the good kid,” which is very much the pot calling the kettle black. Then, poor Paris has that epic breakdown on C-SPAN, which is so un-Paris, and she becomes convinced that the reason she didn’t get into Harvard is because she had sex. I guess I like that they’re showing us that Paris is flawed, but the sex-negativity is…disappointing at best. I don’t like that they’re trying to show Rory in a better light than Paris, because frankly, Paris > Rory any day of the week.

SL: Continuing off of that, but only just to bring it up, is Paris dating the professor necessary?


AH: *strong non-verbal reaction*

SL: I’m all for dating the older man — I need to make that clear — but it just seems too over the top for it to be sincere.

AH: Although, I do love any time Paris makes a comment about Richard being hot…

SL: That’s true. And I do also love the vintage printing press that he gives her — that is funny. I haven’t even seen it, but the vasectomy that Sookie forces on Jackson is super uncool.

AH: Just wait!! That one gets even worse somehow…

8) Least Favorite Character

SL: So least favorite character?

SW: I hate to beat a dead horse, but I’m really not on board with Dean.

SL: Yeah, I mean Dean sucks. It’s unfortunate but is the catalyst for all of Rory’s relationships from there on out. I would have to say, Taylor Doose. It’s an easy pick, but he’s so annoying to a degree that is grating. Because I think you could say in certain cases the same about Kirk. He’s also a conflicting character there to cause confusion or frustration. With Kirk, its more comedic, but Taylor is really just frustrating. Like when he buys the Soda Shoppe, it’s just obnoxious, but without the comedic relief. They constantly just make Taylor a shitty person without redeeming him. The whole episode before Jackson and Taylor are being voted on for Town Selectman, Taylor is just such a shitty person. You don’t want him to win because he’s like, the Donald Trump of Stars Hollow. But at the same time, when you see he’s not going to win, you feel bad for him…

SW: You feel bad for him because you see that he doesn’t really have anything else in his life and he realizes he’s kind of unpopular. It’s definitely sad.

AH: It’s a good look for Lorelai when she convinces some people to vote for Taylor, but then he turns around and gives that rude ass speech at the end of the episode. He’s kind of awful. Anyway, I think my least favorite characters are probably Colin and Finn.

SL: Who the fuck are Colin and Finn?

AH: Logan’s friends! I think overall they’re the most annoying.

SW: I like them because they’re not trying to be anything other than what they are. They’re just frat guys

AH: True, but I think for me they don’t hold up super well. What really gets me is when Logan is in the hospital due to a near-fatal skydiving accident, and they’re just there cracking jokes. They’re way too old for that! Also, their role in AYITL is trash.

9) Favorite quote or reference

SL: I don’t have one. I’m so bad at picking notable quotes, and I feel like its too early to tell.

SW: You don’t have one for up until now?

SL: Quotes are hard for me. Like I don’t think I could tell you an actual quote.

SW: The one I feel like has stuck with me for years as being a fan is “Oy with the poodles already” which is a pretty popular one.

SL: What?

SW: It’s like a bit that they do during a cold open that doesn’t really affect the rest of the show.

SL: No, I think that’s kind of my point so far with the show. For a moment, I’m giving the show the benefit of the doubt since I haven’t finished it yet. I think my opinions on the characters are earned even though I don’t know all the plot points yet, because of the research I’ve done and how far I am in the show (over half-way). In terms of quotes, nothing has really stuck with me. I’ve also only seen the episodes once, and it’s easier to remember quotes once you’ve become a fan and I’m not there yet.

AH: Kind of a random one, but I love when Emily catches Lorelai wearing a pair of sweatpants that say “juicy” on the butt and then asks her if she also has a “brassiere that says ‘tasty.’”

SW: I also like the episode Emily “When a woman gives birth to a crack baby, you do not buy her a puppy.” It’s just so typical Emily.

AH: Yes! That one’s almost incomprehensible.

SL: Oooh I thought of one! It’s literally like maybe a three-second scene when Richard introduces Emily to online shopping. One of my favorite moments because that is exactly how I view online shopping. I think Emily has some of the best lines.

SW: You can tell that Lorelai gets her sense of humor from both of her parents, and I feel like that’s something people don’t talk about. Emily and Richard are both so funny and witty, and I don’t think they get enough credit for it.

AH: Preach!

SW: Especially Richard. I think it’s the episode when Rory gets snowed in at their house, then Richard makes a joke, and Emily says “your sense of humor rears its ugly head at the oddest of times.” They’re not always these stuffy people, they’re actually really funny.

AH: Love them. So, on the Gilmore Guys podcast, they would sometimes kind of make fun of Alexis Bledel’s line delivery, which I always found amusing. There’s this one scene when Logan thinks Rory is coming on to him and she says, “I wasn’t working blue!” She just sounds so silly. Oh, oh, I thought of a real one… “Lorelai, this thing we’re doing here, me-you? I just want you to know I’m in. I am all in.” — Luke Danes ❤



A Trust Fund Voices

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