A Trip through the Family Archive

Will De Vries
A Voice Once Lost, Now Found
3 min readDec 4, 2018

“You go through life wondering what is it all about; but at the end of the day, it’s all about family.”

— Rod Stewart

The reason I chose to do an anthology of photos for my wildcard is relatively simple: my family had all of these pictures collecting dust in storage, so I thought that putting together a curated collection of them would be a visually pleasing way to introduce you, the reader, to my family. However, once I actually started going through them, I realized that I didn’t actually know who practically any of these people were! I knew which one my grandmother was and I could interpolate which ones her parents were. I got the pleasure to meet Jaap and Matti once when I vacationed in the Netherlands in 2009, so I could kind of tell which ones they were. However, I had no actual idea how they were related. Putting together this collection has filled in all the gaps on my family tree for me, and it has caused my grandmother’s interview to make so much more sense. The pictures have allowed me to put faces to names and to empathize so much more with their stories.

Below: another couple of photos not included in the slide show, along with pictures of my mother and father for comparing the previous generations to mine.

Four on the bottom right: Saar, Jaap, Max, Bertha
My Great-Great-Great Grandfather, Heiman Goedhardt
Anton and Jenny on the Beach, 1926
Baby Jaap with Rosa
Jenny, Annie, and one of Anton’s brothers, Barend
Jenny’s step-grandmother, Bertha Goedhardt
Max and Saar
Jenny and Jaap on donkeys
Willie, Meyer, and Jenny
David Broekman conducting at the Hollywood Bowl
My mom and I in Central Park, 2005
My dad and I, 1998

