Eugénie Kadid Sayegh
A Walking Miracle
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2020


Chapter 5.1: Jesus Help Me

Camino de Santiago — The Way of Saint James

Two and a half years ago, I heard about the Camino de Santiago at Bikram Yoga Jozi, the studio where I taught yoga. I went straight from the studio to Exclusive Books to purchase a book about the Camino. I bought two books that would inspire a journey. I bought The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho, a text I read as a teenager but never realized it was about the Camino, and Walking Home by Sonia Choquette.

Not long after, I was diagnosed with diffuse scleroderma disease, and a year later, with severe myopathy, the Way of Saint James became a general idea that was added to my bucket list. Now, after being completely healed, it was time to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela via “Camino Francés” or the French Way.

On the early morning of the 11th of February 2016, at 5 am, my long-time friend of 25 years, Anthea Potter, and I walked when spontaneously, I suggested to her: “Doll, let’s walk the Camino de Santiago.” Stunned at my suggestion, she replied: “Are you sure you can do it?” My reply was a loud big: “Yes! Can you?”

I didn’t know how I would tell Gus about this crazy idea. I knew he would likely freak out and say no, due to my previous sicknesses. I thought about it and decided the most appropriate place to break the news was on my bed in my bedroom. My late grandmother Antoinette Kadid taught me before I was about to be wedded if I needed anything from my husband, the bedroom was the right place on the bed in his ear. It worked! Yet my biggest concern was spending 40 days away from my children, especially my Dimitri.

A week later, on the 16th of February, I went to the Emirates office to look for the right ticket and connection. A young gentleman sorted out my ticket. I was overcome by joy but remained a little nervous. I purchased my flight and booked Anthea’s to be paid in a couple of days. Ten days later, we returned to the Emirates office to pay for her pre-booked ticket. We were like giddy teenagers en route to Disneyland: super excited and filled with energy. We did not check the schedule of the pre-booked ticket before signing. Suddenly, while the saleslady was booking Anthea’s seats, she discovered we were on different flights. All the giggling and excitement stopped immediately. We looked at each other, then nearly cried. We were confused! The gentleman who pre-booked the ticket made a mistake. Anthea had to pay an extra R600 for a flight change. It was our own mistake to sign — never sign a document before first reading it thoroughly! The devil tested us.

Coming back home, I began to plan for the rest of the trip. I booked our train tickets from Charles De Gaulle airport to Montparnasse and the TGV train from Paris to Biarritz. I also booked a taxi from Biarritz to Bayonne, and another on to Saint Jean Pied de Port (SJPP). I also placed reservations for a hotel at 50 Rue de la Citadelle — Gîte Azkorria, and one last booking, our train to Madrid on the 3rd of June.

The task to prepare was then upon us. The books helped me to prepare for this journey of a lifetime mentally. I also purchased essential gear and began a rigorous exercise routine to anticipate. I was a bit obsessive-compulsive when it came to trip preparations. I had plenty of time to get ready, but I was not able to restrain my excitement. Everything had to be done for me not to forget anything. I let the weekend pass in peace while keeping a diary noting the essential things I needed before departure. I had a lot to take care of before embarking on Voie lactée, the Milky Way. According to a common medieval legend, the Milky Way was formed from dust raised by travelling pilgrims.

As a yoga teacher, I suffered from insomnia; I assumed it was normal; it became part of my life after my yoga training. Because of the Camino trek’s preparations, days blurred with nights due to the lack of sleep. The excitement and the fear of the unknown grew. From once a sick, dying patient to a woman planning to walk over 800 kilometres? Did I realize what I was doing? Am I crazy? Why this sudden decision? I prayed even harder to get a sign, anything to confirm my inclination to go for it! I needed the reassurance that comes from prayer. I needed a sign that tells me I would be safe!

In the middle of purchasing all the essential gear, I began to develop an inexplicable desire to be on the Camino. God blessed me with lots of signs during my daily prayers. I could not explain it! It was like a puzzle, a mathematical equation! A wicked smile appeared on my face shortly after pondering such questions as Will I be able to hike? I thought: my outfits will undoubtedly give the impression of a professional hiker. Who cares? I can do it! A pleasing smile, a joke here and there, and it shall pass! A positive attitude was the key. Mind overpower. Bulldog determination, Bengal tiger strength, as Bikram taught us.

I was amazed at my situation. I walked around the shopping mall with my list in my hand; I was in awe that all of this was happening. I found myself having a long chat with one of the salesmen in Cape Union Mart. The first question he asked me was, “What kind of shoes do you plan to purchase, ma’am?” “I will be walking with my Yeezy tennis shoes from Adidas,” I promptly replied. The salesperson was amazed. “But ma’am, it will be a long way, and you need special hiking-walking boots.” I ignored him. What does he know? Whatever… I am the one who was going to walk, not him. I asked him politely if he could have a look at my list of items. I bought two pairs of socks liners suggested by my friend Galina, who walked the Camino months prior. I added two more pairs of Falke socks to wear over those. At that instant, I thought: “How in the hell are these two pairs of socks going to fit in my Yeezy?” Well, I would think about that later. I looked around for a backpack as well; I wanted it to be stylish.

