Baby bobcat found on Marco Island


By Joanna Fitzgerald | Director of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

This bobcat kitten was among the 109 animals admitted to the von Arx Wildlife Hospital at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida this past week. Other admissions include an eastern bluebird, a pileated woodpecker, an osprey, a tricolored heron, a gopher tortoise and a marsh rabbit.

The bobcat kitten was found on the road by a Marco Island Police Officer. Even though the kitten was very tiny and appeared helpless, her reaction to being rescued was typical of a bobcat and involved a good deal of hissing, growling, and biting — thankfully the officer was wearing gloves and was completely safe.

A physical exam showed the bobcat was in good condition although she was a bit thin and weak. She was offered a dilute milk replacement formula after resting for several hours. The initial feeding wasn’t a complete success. Our hope was that she would be more eager to eat with each scheduled feeding, and she was. The bobcat kitten was so ravenous at the next feeding, even though she has tiny baby teeth, she destroyed the nipple while being fed.

The bobcat kitten is now drinking formula from a bowl and continues to gain strength. Our goal is to transfer her to another wildlife facility on the other coast of Florida which is very remote and will provide her a natural and secluded outdoor space to grow.

Recent Releases

A double-crested cormorant, a Virginia opossum, three mourning doves, a marsh rabbit, three Florida softshell turtles, five grey squirrels, four eastern screech owls, a northern mockingbird, two eastern cottontails, a Florida snapping turtle, a common grackle, four blue jays, a red-shouldered hawk, two laughing gulls, two raccoons, two American crows, a great blue heron, a pileated woodpecker and a Florida red-bellied turtle were released this past week.

Community Support

Thank you to everyone in our community who supported our rehabilitation efforts by participating in the Wildlife Baby Shower on June 8th. Knowing so many people value the work we do to help wildlife in need motivates us. All monetary donations, along with the wish list items we received, will directly go towards the care we provide our special wild animal babies.


Our Amazon Wish List allows those of you who missed the baby shower to make a donation. By using Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase back to the Conservancy so you help twice with one purchase. Donations are needed year round and are always sincerely appreciated.

Opportunities to Help

Visit the Conservancy website at to view all of the amazing volunteer opportunities at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. Volunteers help in many different capacities and are vital to the success of our work. Summer break is the perfect opportunity for high school students (at least sixteen years old) and college students to volunteer at the wildlife hospital. If you think you could dedicate one shift a week to help in the hospital, even if only for a few months during the summer, contact our volunteer office and get involved. Your volunteer time, donations, and memberships truly help us continue our work to protect Southwest Florida’s water, land, wildlife and future.

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Conservancy of SWFL
A week inside the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

Protecting Southwest Florida's unique natural environment and quality of and forever.