Construction workers rescue rat snake


By Joanna Fitzgerald | Director of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

A yellow rat snake was among the 76 animals admitted to the von Arx Wildlife Hospital at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida this past week. Other admissions include an eastern screech owl, a laughing gull, a great egret and a peninsula cooter.

The yellow rat snake was found entangled in construction netting. As the snake attempted to move through the netting the thickest part of its body got stuck in the net opening. Workers at the construction site cut the snake from the netting and brought it to the wildlife hospital for assistance.

Staff examined the snake for injuries and administered an anti-inflammatory medication since there was swelling around the constriction sight. The following day the swelling had resolved so the snake was cleared for release. Hospital staff released the snake in the area it was found.

We are incredibly thankful to the people who rescued the snake. So often snakes are feared and intentionally killed. Snakes are an amazing and natural form of pest control. Since gardens tend to have thick ground vegetation which attracts rodents and bugs, both of which are common food items for snakes, it is fairly common for snakes to get caught in garden netting. If you use netting outdoors, periodically check to ensure an animal hasn’t become entangled.

Keep in mind that the wildlife hospital does accept native snakes that are injured or sick. Snakes deserve the same care and consideration as any other animal admitted to the von Arx Wildlife Hospital.

Recent Releases — 53 Animals Returned Home

  • 3 brown thrashers
  • 1 royal tern
  • 1 prothonotary warbler
  • 1 black-crowned night-heron
  • 2 osprey
  • 6 mourning doves
  • 4 mottled ducks
  • 1 magnificent frigatebird [Release video]
  • 1 loggerhead sea turtle
  • 1 red-bellied woodpecker
  • 13 Virginia opossums
  • 2 eastern cottontails
  • 3 American crows
  • 3 blue jays
  • 10 northern mockingbirds
  • 1 gopher tortoise
  • 1 grey kingbird
  • 1 common ground dove

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Conservancy of SWFL
A week inside the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

Protecting Southwest Florida's unique natural environment and quality of and forever.