Driver finds coyote submerged in mud


By Joanna Fitzgerald | Director of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

A coyote was among the 52 animals admitted to the von Arx Wildlife Hospital at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida last week. Other admissions include an eastern screech owl, two mottled ducklings and a Florida red-bellied turtle.

The von Arx Wildlife Hospital staff received a call from a man who had stopped to fish along the side of Highway 41 near Everglades City. He happened to pull over near, what he believed to be, a fox lying injured on the side of the road. The animal was submerged in mud with only his head exposed.

When hospital staff saw the animal, they immediately realized they were dealing with a coyote — not a fox.

An examination showed the coyote had suffered spinal trauma, most likely caused by a vehicle strike, which left him paralyzed.

Although we were saddened to have had to euthanize the coyote, we were incredibly grateful we had the means to humanely end the poor creature’s suffering.

You can help

Vehicle strikes are a common cause of injury for birds, mammals and reptiles. Please, if you hit an animal, safely pull over, assess the situation, offer assistance or call the von Arx Wildlife Hospital for advice. Never leave an injured animal suffering on the side of the road.

Keep in mind that many animals (owls, opossums, raccoon and panthers) are nocturnal (active at night.) Reducing your speed and increasing awareness of your surroundings, especially when traveling through areas that provide good habitat for wildlife, may improve your reaction time and allow you to avoid hitting an animal. Other species, such as foxes and rabbits, tend to be more active at dawn and dusk. Be aware and keep a look out when driving — it may save the life of an unsuspecting animal.

Recent Releases — 11 Animals Returned Home This Week

  • 1 big brown bat
  • 1 eastern screech owl
  • 1 brown thrasher
  • 1 gray catbird
  • 1 peninsula cooter
  • 1 hispid cotton rat
  • 2 eastern cottontails
  • 3 double-crested cormorants

Wildlife Housewarming

As the outdoor expansion has reached completion hospital staff needs to furnish and acquire supplies for animals rehabilitating in our new outdoor recovery enclosures. We are reaching out and asking community members to bring a gift item or gift basket from our wish list to our Wildlife Hospital Housewarming on Saturday December 10th between 10am to 3pm. Donations will help provide the best possible care to recovering wildlife.

Donations can be dropped off at our nature center, where we will be offering one free admission to those that donate. You will have chances throughout the day to take a peek in our nursery viewing window to see our wildlife staff at work. Our new wildlife exhibit hall and wildlife viewing courtyard will be open for nature center visitors to explore.

Our wish list and event details can be found on our website at Thank you for your support!



Conservancy of SWFL
A week inside the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

Protecting Southwest Florida's unique natural environment and quality of and forever.