Exciting bald eagle renesting

By Joanna Fitzgerald | Director of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

A bald eagle was renested this week which was particularly exciting. The young eagle fell to the ground when part of its nest tree was damaged during a storm. Residents heard the tree branch crash to the ground and searched for the young eagle, but it was dark and the area was thick with vegetation.

The following morning, the search resumed and this time they were successful. The eaglet was located and safely contained in a garbage can. A wildlife hospital critter courier was able to transport the young eagle to the hospital for care.

After being monitored for 24 hours and receiving a clean bill of health, the eaglet was cleared for renesting.

Certified arborist, Ian Orlikoff, owner of Signature Tree Care, eagerly offered his expertise and time to renest the eagle. Using ropes and pulleys, Ian scaled the tree and was able to place the eaglet on a branch just below the nest. It is amazing to watch the renesting process and equally rewarding when the adult eagles flew back in and resumed caring for the baby.



Conservancy of SWFL
A week inside the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

Protecting Southwest Florida's unique natural environment and quality of life...now and forever.