A laughing gull appears to be resting but actually was unable to move after its legs became stuck between the dock planks.

Marco Police assist with gull rescue


By Joanna Fitzgerald | Director of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

A laughing gull was among the 82 animals admitted to the von Arx Wildlife Hospital at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida this past week. Other admissions include a burrowing owl, a black skimmer, a yellow-crowned night-heron, a Florida snapping turtle and a southern toad.

The laughing gull was noticed by a husband and wife on Marco Island. The gull had gotten both of its legs stuck in the tiny space between two dock planks leaving the gull unable to stand or move.

A close up shows the gull’s legs stuck between the planks.

Wildlife Hospital volunteer Jodi Fernandez went to the scene to try and help free the bird from this unusual predicament. After the three people worked for 30 minutes with no success, reinforcements were called in to help.

Three members of the Marco Island Police Department arrived; using crow bars and mallets they were able to slightly open the space between the planks allowing Jodi to free the gull’s legs.

After the gull was freed, and contained for transport to the wildlife hospital, one of his rescuers commented, “it takes a village.”

That sentiment aptly described the situation as well as the work we do on a daily basis.

Every day, we see how lucky we are to have so many people, and such a caring community, who support our work and truly care about saving wildlife. Thank you.

Recent Releases — 28 Animals Returned Home

  • 1 loggerhead shrike
  • 1 green heron
  • 3 blue jays
  • 1 American crow
  • 1 fish crow
  • 4 mourning doves
  • 4 northern mockingbirds
  • 4 Florida snapping turtles
  • 4 Eastern cottontails
  • 1 Eastern screech owl
  • 1 common grackle
  • 1 chimney swift
  • 2 Brazilian free-tailed bats

Opportunities to Help

Please visit the Conservancy website at www.conservancy.org to view all of the amazing volunteer opportunities at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. Volunteers are needed more than ever during our incredibly busy summer season. Your volunteer time, memberships and donations are vital in helping us continue our work to protect Southwest Florida’s water, land, wildlife and future.

Joanna Fitzgerald is director of the von Arx Wildlife Hospital at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. Call 239–262–2273 or see conservancy.org.

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Conservancy of SWFL
A week inside the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

Protecting Southwest Florida's unique natural environment and quality of life...now and forever.