Support the von Arx Wildlife Hospital — Feed the Eagles

Over the last few months the von Arx Wildlife Hospital has been caring for TWO long term adult bald eagle patients. One is recovering from head trauma and is overcoming neurologic deficits that will take time to heal. The other eagle was found covered in cement, unable to fly.

Bald eagle found covered in cement transported to von Arx Wildlife Hospital

The eagle covered in cement was featured in the Conservancy’s weekly article back in October when he arrived at the wildlife hospital (see link here). He was in an altercation with another bald eagle which caused him to land in a wet, spray-on cement mixture. His feathers and body were covered in cement and he could not fly. He received several baths while here at the hospital, in which he had to be sedated and then have his feathers washed with mineral oil and then a dawn dish soap solution. The cement caused so much damage to the bird’s feathers on his wings, legs, and chest, that he will require many more months of rehabilitation in order to complete a full molt of these feathers and grow new ones.

Bald Eagle receives care and treatment inside the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

As you can imagine, eagles have large appetites — It costs $70 each week just to feed them! Food costs paired with medication for the eagle who suffered from head trauma is over $350 a month, just for two patients! Donate today by heading to our Facebook to support our team as they care for these patients!

You can also support the von Arx Wildlife Hospital by heading to the website and making a donation, or purchasing items from the Amazon Wish List!



Conservancy of SWFL
A week inside the von Arx Wildlife Hospital

Protecting Southwest Florida's unique natural environment and quality of and forever.