Lead Dev London 2019

Past & Future Events

Clare Sudbery
A Woman in Technology


In the Future

Agile on the Beach 2024, Fri 5th July ’24, Continuous Integration — That’s not what they meant

SoCraTes UK Training Day, Sept 19th ’24, details tbc

Dev2Next, Colorado USA, Sept 30th — Oct 3rd ’24, Continuous Integration — that’s not what they meant

Scrum Day 2024, Wisconsin USA, Wed Oct 23rd 2024, details tbc

In the Past

(for videos, go to this page here)

Agile Manchester 2024, Wed 15th to Fri 17th May ’24, Compassionate Refactoring

Mendercon, online Thurs 16th May, Using code coverage and mutation testing to add tests to legacy code

SDD London 2024, Tue 14th May ’24, How to stop testing and break your code base

Devoxx UK ’24, Fri 10th May, Continuous Integration — that’s not what they meant

Women in Tech Unfiltered Manchester 2024, Fri 8th March ’24, Panel: “Leading whilst menopausal”

Wed 22nd November 2023, Women of Silicon Roundabout (London), Compassionate Refactoring (talk)

Fri 10th Nov 2023, DevLin Sweden, workshop: Working in an ensemble

Thurs 9th Nov 2023, DevLin Sweden, keynote: Ensemble Working: The ultimate in collaboration

Tue 31st Oct 2023, Manchester Tech Festival, Software Engineering and Tech Quality Day, Fireside chat with Vernon Richards

5th — 6th Oct 2023, Agile Meets Architecture, Berlin — Keynote: “Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid”

11th — 13th Sept 2023, YOW! Perth

8th Sept 2023, Tech Leaders Summit Sydney

6th and 7th Sept 2023, Tech Leaders Summit Melbourne

Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th July 2023, online: O’Reilly Quality Code Bootcamp

29th July, 2023: Singing jazz and blues, as “Big Mama Gordon and her Enchanted Blues Band” at Awamu Together music festival in aid of women and girls in the slums of Kampala, Uganda

Wed Jun 28th 2023, Lead Dev London — keynote: The awful agony of the app store: When software delivery goes wrong

Tue Jun 27th 2023, 14:20, GOTO Amsterdam: Continuous Integration: That’s not what they meant

Fri 23rd June 2023, O’Reilly online workshop: Refactoring for Continuous Delivery

Fri 16th June 2023, O’Reilly online workshop: Fundamentals of Refactoring

Mon 5th June 2023: Publication of my O’Reilly report on trunk-based development! (O’Reilly learning platform account needed, but free trial available)

Thurs 1st June 2023, SoCraTes UK Training Day, workshop:
Testing legacy code using coverage and mutation tests

Thurs 25th May 2023, NewCrafts Paris, keynote: Compassionate Refactoring

Tue 23rd + Wed 24th May 2023, NewCrafts Paris, 2-day workshop: Hands-on technical leadership for a healthy engineering culture

Wed 17th May, 2023, SDD (Software Design and Development) London: Continuous Integration: That’s not what they meant

Thurs 18th May, 2023: SDD (Software Design and Development) London: When software delivery goes wrong: why app stores could make you sad

Mondays 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th April 2023, online: O’Reilly Quality Code Bootcamp

Wed 15th Mar 2023, Lead Dev New York, keynote: Let them learn! How to nurture great software engineers

Thurs 16th Feb 2023 , 17:00 GMT — Compassionate Refactoring — Empathy in Tech online event

Wed 4th Jan 2023, 13:00 BST (05:00 PT), O’Reilly online workshop: Refactoring for Continuous Delivery

Oct — Dec 2022: Judge, O’Reilly architectural katas

Mon 5th Dec 2022, London: Women in tech event: “Compassionate Refactoring”

Tue 29th — Wed 30th Nov, 2022, YOW! London in-person: “When software delivery goes wrong: Why app stores could make you sad

Tue 8th — Thurs 10th Nov, 2022: SDD Deep Dive — 3-day workshop, Hands-on Technical Leadership for a Healthy Engineering Culture, in partnership with Emily Bache

Tue 4th Oct 2022, 10:50 CEST, GOTO Copenhagen: “How to stop testing and break your code base” (talk)

Wed 28th Sept 2022, 18:20 BST, O’Reilly Software Architecture Superstream: “Let’s Stop Judging People For Their Ignorance” (talk)

Thurs 22nd Sept 2022, 14:00 BST, Inclusive Design online conference: “Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid”

Mon 19th Sept 2022, 18:00 BST, O’Reilly online workshop: Fundamentals of Refactoring

Thurs 18th Aug 2022, 18:00 BST, O’Reilly online workshop: Refactoring for Continuous Delivery

Thurs 11th Aug 2022, 18:00 BST, Women in Tech York: “Compassionate Refactoring” (talk)

Wed 3rd Aug 2022, 18:30 BST, MK.Net: “Compassionate Refactoring” (talk)

Joy of Coding, Rotterdam, Fri 17th June 2022: Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid (talk)

Lead Dev London, Wed 8th June 2022, keynote: Compassionate Refactoring

SDDConf 2022, London, Wed 18th May 2022: How to stop testing and break your code base (talk)

SDDConf 2022, London, Thurs 19th May 2022: Let them learn! How to nurture great software engineers (talk)

SDDConf 2022, London, Fri 20 May 2022: Compassionate Refactoring (day-long post-conference workshop)

O’Reilly online workshop, Thurs April 28th 2022: Fundamentals of Refactoring

Simply Business internal tech conference, Thurs April 28th 2022: Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid

The Legacy of Socrates, Wed 24th November 2021 14:00 UTC, Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid

NE Bytes, online, Wed 20th Oct 2021: “How to stop testing and break your code base

FemTechConf 2021, online, 24th — 25th Sept 2021: “Making Learning Conscious — How to diversify your pipeline by recruiting and training junior engineers.

DevBreak21, France, 8th — 9th Sept 2021: “Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid

Agile on the Beach, Cornwall (UK), Fri 3rd Sept 2021, 14:45 BST: “How to Stop Testing and Break Your Code Base

Agile 2021, Mon 19th July 2021, 13:10 Central Time (US & Canada): Panel: Agile Team Roles — Then and Now

Tue 15th June 2021, 15:05 BST, XP 2021 Online, “Broken promises — how to keep your word and your sanity too

Wed 26th May, 2021, 14:45 BST (15:45 CEST) — I T.A.K.E. Unconference How to stop testing and break your code base

Wed 19th May 2021 — io.net virtual meetup — “How to stop testing and break your code base

Wed 12th May 2021 (online) — Edinburgh BCS meetup — “Broken promises — how to keep your word and your sanity too

How to build a successful engineer academy, Made Tech Talks webinar, Thurs 25th February 2021 1pm — 2pm GMT

Making learning conscious — how to build a learning culture, Made Tech Talks webinar, Wed 3rd February 2021 1pm — 2pm GMT

Women in Technology World Series Global Online Festival, Tue 17 Nov 2020, 12:30 BST: Talk with Karen Lee-Rigg: “The Fear of Being ‘Not Technical Enough’ and What We Can Do About It

JAX London, Oct 7th 2020, 9am BST, Keynote: Teaching New Tricks — How to Enhance the Skills of Experienced Developers

XP Manchester, Thurs 13th Aug 2020, lightning talk, “Is perfection a reasonable goal

Made Tech Talks, webinar, Tue 14th July 2020: How to spin up a digital project during lockdown: challenges, tips and tools

Women of Silicon Roundabout / Women in Technology webinar, 19th June 2020 — “Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid”

Lead Dev London 2019, 11th & 12th June 2019, keynote with Sal Freudenberg: “A button to pause time: How to live outside the clock”

Women Who Code Bristol, 8th May 2019, with Sal Freudenberg: “A button to pause time: How to live outside the clock”

ETC (European Testing Conference) Valencia, Feb 14th-15th 2019: “How to Stop Testing and Break Your Code Base

NDC London, Jan 28th — Feb 1st 2019: “Teaching New Tricks — How to enhance the skills of experienced developers

Hack Your Career: Introduction to Tech, Thoughtworks London, Thurs 6th Dec 2018: “How to Dream in Code”

Stemettes’ Monster Confidence, Manchester — Federation House (2 Federation St, M4 4BF), Fri 9th November 2018: “How to Dream in Code”

Friday September 28th 2018, 13:30, Agile Cambridge 2018: “Teaching New Tricks — How to enhance the skills of experienced developers

Sept 2018: Let’s Stop Making Each Other Feel Stupid (at GoCardless)

Monday August 6th 2018, Agile 2018, San Diego, California: “Effective Testing for the Whole Team — A Workshop for Everyone Who Cares

Tuesday August 7th 2018, Agile 2018, San Diego, California: “Let’s Stop Making People Feel Stupid

Thursday July 12th 2018, 7pm, XP Manchester, MadLab: “How pairing saved my code base”

Lead Dev London 2018, Thursday June 28th 2018: “Teaching New Tricks — How to enhance the skills of experienced developers

Women of Silicon Roundabout, London, Tuesday June 26th 2018: Deep Dive Workshop on the Testing Pyramid.

Agile Manchester 2018, Thursday May 10th 2018: “Let’s Not Make People Feel Stupid

Deliver Sessions, Tuesday May 1st 2018: “Let’s Not Make People Feel Stupid

October 2017 onwards for 8 weeks, Thoughtworks Manchester: Code First: Girls

Wed 27th June 2017: Ladies Do Code, short talk on Test Driven Novel Writing

Fri 2nd June and Sat 3rd June 2017: helping to run a Clojure workshop at Thoughtworks London, primarily aimed at those who identify as women, transgender & non-binary.

12th May, 2017: Agile Manchester: “Teaching New Tricks”

27th March, 2017: Lightning talk on “Be Bold for Change” for International Women’s Day at Thoughtworks Manchester

7th March, 2017: Nominee for “Mentor of the Year”, Northern Power Women awards

6th March, 2017: Panel for International Women’s Day at DWP Stockport

4th March, 2017: Mentor, Stockport Council Hackathon

30th January, 2017: OOP Munich: pair programming workshop with Yves Hanoulle.

Thurs Oct 27th, 2016: Women of Silicon Roundabout, Part 2: talk on Women and Agile Software Development - “How do you know what you’re doing?”

Tuesday September 20th (evening), 2016: Ladies of Code, Manchester: talk describing my team’s experience of Mob Programming.

Thursday 14th July, 2016, 6:30pm: XP Manchester: lightning talk on “Test Driven Novel Writing”.

May 24th — 27th, 2016: XP 2016 in Edinburgh: experience report on Women in XP, and debate on “Can XP Close the Gender Gap?”

May 11th – 13th, 2016: Agile Manchester 2016 : “When TDD and Pair Coding go Wrong”

Thurs April 21st, 2016, at the Sky campus in London: Women in Technology: “Can Pair Coding Help to Close the Gender Gap?”

Tuesday 22nd March, 2016: Stemettes’ Tap and Tinker coding event, Manchester High School for Girls

Friday March 4th, 2016: Aspiration Day, St Matthews school, Manchester: question-and-answer session with two groups of 8–10-yr-olds

Thurs Jan 28th 2016, Women of Silicon Roundabout, London: http://www.women-in-technology.com: “Women Can do That Too”, Closing the Gender Gap panel, Bridging the Gender Gap panel

Sun Jan 24th 2016 — Manchester Girl Geeks’ Meet the Bloggers

Thurs Jan 21st 2016 — Brown bag talk on Mob Programming

Stemettes Hackathon for Girls, 28th / 29th Nov 2015, Manchester Media City (one of the judges)

8th Oct ’15 2015, XP Manchester: The Lift Kata

Interview with our LateRooms team at Hack Manchester 2015

Our LateRooms team entry for Hack Manchester 2015

Ladies Who Code — Lightning Talk, International Women’s Day, March 2015

9th July 2015, XP Manchester: Lightning Talk on Collaboration



Clare Sudbery
A Woman in Technology

@ClareSudbery — Freelance technical agile coach, podcaster (https://tinyurl.com/MTBetter), novelist (http://tinyurl.com/DanceYourWay), sleep evangelist #BLM