A Gift to Die For

I think Eli is the devil

A Work of Fiction


Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

Mama says I cain’t play with Josh’s dog cause Josh’s dog is mean.

I don’t like Eli. Eli is almost bigger than me. He chews on my shoes. He ate the leg off my red Power Ranger. Josh even let him eat my grilled cheese last night. I told on him, but Mama said it’s OK and made me another. It wasn’t OK, even if Mama said it is.

It’s not OK ever.

Josh likes to bounce Eli’s balls down the hall when I’m doing homework. I tell Mama, and Mama tells Josh to stop, and Josh don’t, and that’s that.

I use Mama’s craft scissors to cut the balls in half. It makes Josh mad. When Josh is mad, Mama is mad. When Mama is mad, Daddy gets mad, and I get in trouble.

Mama says Hell lasts an eternity. I think sitting in the corner is an eternity too. Or it feels like it. My butt gets sore sitting here so long. Why do I got to sit in the corner and not Eli? Eli never gets in trouble.

I’m grounded again tonight. It’s almost Christmas.

Mama is pulling on my white robe. Josh has to wear one too, and Daddy, and Baby Manda. We’re gonna be angels on the church float like every year. The only difference is Eli gets to be an angel, too.

