A Letter From A Work of Fiction #10

Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction
Published in
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2 min readNov 2, 2020
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Welcome to the bi-monthly letter from A Work of Fiction. These letters will go out on a weekend when we have enough published stories to warrant a letter. And we have been on a roll lately, so here we are, on schedule.

We will be recruiting fiction writers in the next couple of months to add to our small stable of great writers. A Work of Fiction is a fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage. These newsletters always have friend links so everyone can read them whether they have a paid Medium account or not.

Stories Since Our Last Letter

Still Turning by Cassius Corbin

“She had no arms and one leg, which dangled at a wrong angle. Pyron could see inside her chest. Colorful wiring and gears greeted him. A dim blue light pulsed like an internal heart.

Despite all her wounding, her battery remained strong.”

Another Black Man Is Dead by Mary Jones

“It was two years ago, but it never stopped feeling like it just happened. The news displays so many cases just like mine, but it doesn’t truly resonate with you until it is your reality. It didn’t seem real until I was holding his urn. He didn’t want a traditional burial. Maybe in some subconscious way, he knew that death was coming for him soon.”

The Blood Dance at Nightfall by Bradley J Nordell

“And as she was led into his mouth, the now awakened forest wisped and expanded — an apotheosis of hell incarnate, darker than Dante’s greatest nightmares. Trees and branches stood in disfigured forms like demented scarecrows from another world. Glowing eyes in the trees flickered in and out of existence. She knew she needed to find her way back before the sun was gone.”

A Continuing Series

Deadly Desire: Chapter №8 by Estrella Ramirez

“Settling into my car, I was still stuck trying to remember where I’d seen those eyes, and the comment about my order. Had this been the person ahead of me in line? Glimpsing the clock, I sped off to the interview, hoping I’d have time to catch up with Rafi before we got started.”

The Quote

“Fiction gives us the second chances that life denies us.” — Paul Theroux



Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com