A Letter From A Work of Fiction #4

Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction
Published in
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2 min readJun 13, 2020
Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

Welcome to the bi-weekly letter (sometimes longer depending on how many stories we have published) from A Work of Fiction. For now, these letters will go out every other week, on Saturday afternoon, and will highlight all of our published stories.

A Work of Fiction is a fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage. These newsletters always have friend links so everyone can read them whether they have a paid Medium account or not.

The Stories Since Our Last Letter

Parable of the Pill Bug by Melinda A Smith

“The drab sidewalk curves and traces the perimeter of a large, grassy hill, like a paintbrush had swept gently around the greens and yellows with only dirty paint water. I begin to notice the sidewalk under my feet growing speckled. Dozens of small creatures are crawling slowly. They are pill bugs, marching slowly along the sidewalk like nature’s gentle army.”

The Magician’s Trick by Delta B. McKenzie

“The last thing she saw was the strange magician-mime staring at her in confusion, then there was nothing.

Nothing but endless darkness filled with countless hands that tugged and clawed at her skin as she screamed.”

The man who built his House by Siân Griffin

“This man, returning from his commission to tie down the seas, had sickened of the song that the other men sang. The tongue of this song was to lick the sea flat. Calm. But it had rattled the bones over his soul and he looked once again to the path lying backward. And then he took it.”

Smash & Grab by Mike Johnson

“I can’t let you go, and I’m sorry to say it. If you’ve gotta run me down then run me down.”

“Please, sir,” I say, opening the door and leaning out the cab, “please, just let us go. I just had a kid, I lost my job, and I just want to feed my family. We didn’t want to take nothin’ but we didn’t have a choice.”

Bi-Weekly Quote

“Good fiction is made of that which is real, and reality is difficult to come by.” — Ralph Ellison

If you are a fiction writer interested in writing for A Work of Fiction, please review the submission requirements.



Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com