A Letter From A Work of Fiction #7

Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction
Published in
Sent as a


3 min readSep 20, 2020
Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

Welcome to the bi-monthly-ish letter from A Work of Fiction. These letters will go out on a weekend when we have enough published stories to warrant a letter. This hasn't grown as fast as some of our other publications, like Loose Words, but we believe that A Work of Fiction has some serious long-term potential. A home for fiction.

We will be recruiting fiction writers in the next couple of months to add to our small stable of great writers. A Work of Fiction is a fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage. These newsletters always have friend links so everyone can read them whether they have a paid Medium account or not.

Stories Since Our Last Letter

A Series by Estrella Ramirez

Deadly Desire: Prologue

“She was finally free to live her life, though something ominous hung in the air. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but it sent shivers up her spine, disturbing the calm she’d expected. Dismissing the feeling as adrenaline wearing off, she turned back to see an unexpected surprise waiting for her.”

Deadly Desire: Chapter N0. 1

“Flipping through the file, I stopped at the photograph provided by her family. Adalee was one of those classic beauties. She looked like a movie star from an old black and white film, with high cheekbones and a full pout. She was a whimsical beauty, from her cerulean irises to her cream-colored complexion, with fiery red hair to boot. She was stunning.”

Deadly Desire: Chapter N0. 2

“Falling to my knees, slowly I inched up beside her, and gently removed the bag. Her neck was bruised all shades of red and purple, a dramatic contrast to the cold alabaster of her skin. Blue tinted lips, slightly separated revealed the difficulty she must have endured, gasping for her last breath. Brushing her chestnut hair off her face, I took one more look at her blue-grey eyes before I closed them.”

Teetering by the Stream by Noah Lloydhis debut in A Work of Fiction

“He made his way to the quiet water, always doing so with noiseless footsteps. At the edge of the stream, where he could watch the ferns touch the water just enough to get the tips of their leaves wet, he felt the inevitable hesitation.”

A Possession by Noah Lloyd

But that is the issue: only themselves! I am aware that everyone has their path to walk, a path nobody else can tread. But can a tree which has only known mundane days bear the same fruits as the tree which has weathered the great storm and survived? Would the fruits be of the same flavor and quality? Nutrition and ripeness? Likewise, if I were to bear a fruit of my own, would it even compare to the ones which I have spoken of previously?”

The Quote

“When I write fiction, I never try to deliver a message; I just want to tell a story. But I admit that I want the story to be memorable and the characters to touch the reader’s heart.” — Isabel Allende

A Final Note

Fiction is an exercise of the mind for both the writer and the reader. We want our fiction to be a collaboration between the two. A tale spun and a story received. A connection. This is a work of fiction.



Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com