A New Beginning

A Short Story

Mary Jones
A Work of Fiction


Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

“Did you get the money?” he asked.

“Yes, I got it right here,” she said, pulling the sweaty money from underneath her bosom.

She had been working late hours this week, every night getting off at 3:00 a.m. But did he care? No. All he cared about was the money. At least she didn’t have to work the streets anymore.

After Jerry was arrested, he decided that they needed to take a break from the streets. She was delighted. She hated lying with ugly, horny men in exchange for their filthy money. She would rather be a singer, but that dream, along with her self-esteem, had fallen away years ago.

All the other girls had left once Jerry was arrested. But Lily, having nowhere else to turn, had stayed. Now she was the brunt of all the anger, and the only one bringing in any income.

She turns, heading towards the bathroom. Suddenly Jerry grips her arm and whips her around so that she is facing him. Lily feels Jerry’s hand strike her face, the pain stinging her cheek.

Her head lay limp to the left. She slowly moves her head back to center, avoiding her pimp’s eyes. Jerry’s hand lay down at his side now, slightly raised, as if it were preparing for more action.



Mary Jones
A Work of Fiction

Mary is a Creative Writer, Blogger, and Poet. Expect to read her poetry and about freelance writing, mental health, depression, creativity, and passive income.