Anna’s Suitcase


Mary Jones
A Work of Fiction


Image by Peter H from Pixabay

Anna was rocking in her chair, her tattered shirt still hanging off her arm. Her face was stained with blood-filled tears. They were coming to take her, even though he was the one who hurt her. She was only a woman in this world, though. Her voice didn’t matter now. Maybe one day it would. Everything that she cared about was in her suitcase, which sat beside her as she rocked back and forth. She had packed it after their fight.

He had always threatened to send her away. He dominated her and then turned it around to make it look like she was the crazy one. Now, she would literally be one of the crazy ones. Back then, no one even questioned the real reason why people were sent to insane asylums. They would just send them there for breathing differently than everyone else. Apparently, husbands could sleep with other women, beat their wives, and then send them away, like an old run-down horse.

She heard a car door shut outside. It was probably the white van they always used to take people to the asylum. Anna never stopped rocking in her chair. She heard her husband open the front door and greet what sounded like two men.

This was it. She could run, I suppose. But what good would that do? They would just catch her and take her to the asylum anyway. Besides, she wanted to go. She was tired of getting beat every day and to be…



Mary Jones
A Work of Fiction

Mary is a Creative Writer, Blogger, and Poet. Expect to read her poetry and about freelance writing, mental health, depression, creativity, and passive income.