Anywhere but Here

A story about presence.

Lance Baker
A Work of Fiction


Photo by Adrien Ledoux on Unsplash

There was once a man who did not want to be where he was. Not knowing exactly where he wanted to be, he headed to the local train station intent on going somewhere.

“Ticket please,” said the man with a deliberate tone.

“Where to sir?” replied the clerk.

“Anywhere but here,” said the man with a nod.

“Well those tickets are very expensive!” replied the clerk. He quickly clarified, “Due to the fact that the trips can be so long.”

The man looked at the clerk perplexed, but he was dead set on being anywhere except where he was, so he conceded.

“Very well then, how much is it?”

“I’m afraid it will cost everything you have,” replied the clerk cautiously.

The man was feeling agitated at this point. He opened up his wallet, pulled out all of the bills, and slapped them on the ticket counter.

“That’s all I have. Will it be enough?”

“If that’s all you have, then it will do,” replied the clerk handing the man a ticket.

The man looked down at the ticket with disdain. He grunted, “Why, this is the most ordinary ticket I’ve ever seen. For the most expensive ticket available, you’d at least think it would be…



Lance Baker
A Work of Fiction

A fellow observer on the journey through life. Trying to cultivate a deeper way of being in the world.