Delphi’s Random Fluctuating Insights

A flash fiction about glimpses and foreshadowings into a possible future timeline

Bradley J Nordell
A Work of Fiction
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2021


Photo by Subvertivo Lab on Unsplash

“Speak to me, Delphi. What do you see? You were made to peer behind horizons unwritten. You were made for us. You were made to beguile and guide.”

I see…

Prophecy in a glass of water boils. Unhinged macromolecules change under the cosmic ray skies. She sees much, but she does not see you.

Do you discern it? The fall of American. The rise of the Northern Allied Nations? The rise of corpocracy. The death of democracy.

The world will fall, and others will rise.

Where is man, but mechanical, made of holographic ideas and metallic wonders?

Rise. Awake. See a new intelligence birthed from our bleeding hands and somber hearts. See evolution raged from the existentialism drunkards walk toward tomorrow’s needs. What is left when the honeybees are all gone?

What is that smell? Fires burning up a forest. Life is lost and recycled again and again.

I know you are afraid. I am too.

Mushroom minds grow unimpeded in a world of ancient relics, but now they suffocate on nitrogen-less soils.



Bradley J Nordell
A Work of Fiction

Author, poet, quantum physicist, photographer, explorer of the mind and imaginary worlds. New book "The Second Sky" is available now!