
Flash Fiction

Vinitha Dileep
A Work of Fiction


She kept crying and I couldn’t do anything to make her feel better. A loss was a terrible thing to go through. Losing someone dear to me, Oh god, I couldn’t even imagine such a tragedy. And here she was experiencing the trauma of losing her beloved.

I stood beside her trying to figure out the words which could console her a bit. Her sobs pained me. I moved closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder gently. She turned around and looked at me; the sight of her agony-filled face made me cringe.

I extended my Bella to her, “You can have Bella. I don’t mind.” Hesitantly she took the doll from me. Her face shined with a tear-filled smile. Our neighbor’s dog didn’t like Tina, I knew that. But to butcher her beloved doll like that, it wasn’t nice! “I am not going to pet that dog anymore,” I assured her.

I hoped that my gesture would stop her from crying over losing her doll’s head to the dog next door.

© Vinitha Dileep

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Vinitha Dileep
A Work of Fiction

A lover of words, writer, blogger, dreamer, loves stringing words together & adoringly calls them poems. Connect at