

Vinitha Dileep
A Work of Fiction


Dinner ready. Dishes were done. Kitchen cleaned.

She sighed as she looked out the window. He promised to be home before dinner got cold today. From past experiences, she knew not to hold her breath when it came to her husband’s promises.

But he insisted stubbornly in the morning not to make dinner all by herself, that they will do the cooking together, like the early years. Despite the broken promises, she wanted to believe him this time. Because believing that life is beautiful after all was the only thing that kept hope alive in their relationship.

She knew the absurdity of it all, but what was her option? To leave him and throw away the life they built together? And for what?

Life was a double-edged sword for her. Putting up with his lies and hoping that someday life was going to be beautiful, was easier for her to live with than facing the judgments that would pour upon her if she left him. At least he cared enough to lie to her. Her hope was in the love that was buried deep inside him which made him lie to her.

She waited for him, for his love, as a teardrop trickled down her eyes. Someday life is going to be beautiful, she hoped earnestly!

© Vinitha Dileep

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Vinitha Dileep
A Work of Fiction

A lover of words, writer, blogger, dreamer, loves stringing words together & adoringly calls them poems. Connect at vinitha.dileep@gmail.com