Ripping Innocence From Butterfly Wings

Look at what we’ve wrought

Delta B. McKenzie
A Work of Fiction


Photo by Cátia Matos from Pexels

David Jones had needed a break, long before his boss had called him into the office and all but demanded that he use some of his holiday days.

It wasn’t that he didn’t love his job, because he did, but journalism showed you the ugly side of humanity and David was tired.

He was tired of smiling with people who he knew should have been behind bars.

He was tired of looking the other way when a rich politician paid their company enough to lose yet another story that would paint them in a negative light.

He was tired of people.

So when his boss demanded that he leave town for a few days, David did just that.

He avoided the big cities and took the backroads until he found a tiny town that he hadn’t even seen on his map.


The name was pretentious yet the town itself was anything but.

David managed to nab one of the only rooms in the town’s Bed and Breakfast run by Cynthia, a lovely old woman who made David feel more like a long-lost family member than a guest.

Cynthia managed the Bed and Breakfast mostly on her own, with only minimal help from her ten-year-old granddaughter Beatrice.



Delta B. McKenzie
A Work of Fiction

I’m just a Jamaican-British writer trying to make things work in a big world. Find me on twitter @db_mckenzie.