To Doubt The Stars

A man tries to escape a dystopian world he helped to create

Bradley J Nordell
A Work of Fiction
Published in
7 min readSep 20, 2020


Image by prettysleepy1 from Pixabay

Psi Aurigae was a lost man in a future that did not accept him. A fallen creator, now wandering in the silicon forests of neuromorphic compatriots and disconcerted holographic fervor — where augmented neuro-soldiers replaced patriotism, and neotech corporations became governments. The rulers fed its people the data it harvested from them like a cannibalistic machine. It was a world built by the miracles of MindNet — a prison with invisible bars and transparent chains. A prison he helped to create.

And now, standing in the dusty depths of his SmartHome CPU mainframe, he wrote the last line of ANN-code and pushed in his QKD device, sending a virus through the house’s neuromorphic circuitry. An eerier whine swept through the room, followed by the loud popping of shorted supercapacitors. He stepped back, believing it would explode. A moment later, the great blue eye of the AI mind called Epilso-Besna faded out. The house went dark and quiet. A smile crept along Psi’s face, knowing he had just committed an act of treason.

For the first time in decades, he was alone. Not watched or controlled by some AI or corporation, but to act as he wanted. To do what he needed to do. His last act of valor. For tonight, Psi Aurigae had decided to kill himself.



Bradley J Nordell
A Work of Fiction

Author, poet, quantum physicist, photographer, explorer of the mind and imaginary worlds. New book "The Second Sky" is available now!