To Return And Return

You cannot outrun the consequences of your sins

Delta B. McKenzie
A Work of Fiction


Photo by BSD on Unsplash

The darkness of the room was shattered only by the flicker of the flames dancing on the candles’ wicks. Nothing moved except the lazy curl of smoke that twisted in front of Sashana’s face.

She couldn’t see her sisters but she could feel them and in her mind’s eye, she knew exactly where each of them was sitting.

Five points in the circle and blood in the bowl. It was the first thing her grandmother had taught them.

The thought had her fingers moving because that wasn’t the only thing her grandmother had taught her granddaughters.

The spells came as easy as breathing.

First, it was a call, one that would seep into dreams and hopes, a whisper for them to return, come back.

She curled her fingers around the call as she poured her soul into it until it was no longer a whisper but a scream, a scream that was echoed by the shriek of something beyond the walls of their cottage.

She hadn’t been strong enough or fast enough before.

She’d been forced to watch her village burn while she hid her sisters as best she could but she was no longer the scared child she had been.



Delta B. McKenzie
A Work of Fiction

I’m just a Jamaican-British writer trying to make things work in a big world. Find me on twitter @db_mckenzie.