Brian Jones
A World Properly Educated
2 min readMar 8, 2021


The topic I will be writing about will be the idea of quality education being given to everyone in the world. In more depth I will be discussing how important it is to have quality education provided to everyone. I will also discuss how the world would look with this implemented and the kind of advancements that we could see if this were put into place. I will most likely be comparing nations’ economies and politics and see how quality education effects both of those two things. I am attracted to this topic for a number of reasons.

Although I don’t want to pursue a career in anything related to this, there are still many benefits I view from this idea. I don’t necessarily think that this goal is the most important goal to achieve for human life to progress but, I think that if education of high quality is given to everyone in the world it would get the most benefits out of it. I think that this idea if implemented would benefit the entire world and would push the innovation within societies into overdrive. The main reason being that the general world would be more knowledgeable. If the education worldwide was risen to such a high standard of education then more and more people would have higher intelligence. That would allow for developing nations to switch up aspects of their daily life because technological advancements would allow for that. I already know that many countries suffer from the lack of proper education. Most of these countries reflect that in their economy and role in global politics. I also know that the cost of implementing proper quality education to all parts of the world would be massively expensive. Poorly ran governments can stem from inadequate education in certain examples. One thing that can help this process come true is improved infrastructure worldwide. With improved infrastructure it allows for development to become more effective in every part of the world. Proper funding would allow this to happen as well because it would cost a lot of money in order to fund teachers and building of schools. One question related to that I gave is how much would the costs of implementing a system such as this one. Another question I have is that if this is even realistic. It seems like it should be but certain areas of the world might. Not be set up in ways to make this sustainable. Does religion and general culture play a role in this is also another question I have about this topic.


Goal 4: Quality education. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2021, from



Brian Jones
A World Properly Educated

Student at University at Buffalo. From Fayetteville, NY. Business Administration Major with concentration in Finance.