What Does It Really Mean To Be Awake?

4 min readMay 29, 2014

There’s an energy and stillness found in mornings that we cannot access at any other time of day. Not during the 9 to 5 rush and flurry of activity with people hustling and bustling about. Not during the slowing lethargy of the afternoon daze. Neither within the sleepless nights of insomniacs, nor the spent bodies of night owls who have yet to fall into slumber. These are not the moments I mean. I mean the moments when you are awake and the rest of the world isn’t. There’s a silence that hums from the deep sleep of others. The silence of their dreams. It’s almost like we can feel the energy of those dreams, all those unconscious and subconscious forces deep at work in our minds, churning away, making sense of things, of life, of people. So unbidden, so uncontrolled. Unfiltered. Unabridged.

I wonder if when we’re awake and everyone around us is fast asleep, if we can tap into that force. I wonder if that’s why sometimes, if we sit still enough, if we listen closely enough to the whispers, the hushed noises of those dreams, these mornings can become so filled with surprising insights and visions. About life. About others. About ourselves. Maybe because the sheer silence of the conscious world makes the noise of the subconscious more palpable. Maybe because when everyone else is asleep, we are graced with some unbound access to their dreams, their thoughts; access to all the worlds…

