I Have This Moment…That’s All I Need

Aimless Thoughts in “A Writer’s Journal”

Lori Worsencroft
A Writer’s Journal


(the following and all “Aimless Thoughts in A Writer’s Journal” are just my random, rolling, aimless thoughts about anything—or nothing—at all.)

I’m really looking forward to an upcoming vacation, a long weekend getaway. My husband is surprising me (he says he doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body, but his actions speak otherwise).

One of the things I’m most looking forward to…

…besides our adventures and walks on the beaches after early dinners (he’s taking me to Florida—that’s my only clue—so I have a feeling we will be near the beach)

is waking up early…

(My husband likes to sleep in and I prefer to rise early and take afternoon naps)

…and sitting with a cup of coffee and my notebook. Just me and my notebook. No distractions—except maybe the clinking sound of the empty juice machine in the hotel breakfast area.

In that notebook, I will dream and doodle and unleash my worries. I will let go of the past while I plan for the future…

Yes, I will daydream on paper

There’s no one to critique me, no eyes glossing over in boredom at my random, irrational, lofty thoughts…

I am free, I have this moment and that’s all I need.



Lori Worsencroft
A Writer’s Journal

Uninhibited, empowering writer with a zest for life and sharing all its wild and inspiring experiences. Join me?