Worksheets to help you write your novel

Plan, structure, & keep track of your story with the novel planning worksheets

Michelle Richmond
The Caffeinated Writer
2 min readNov 28, 2016


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Well, this is fun. Worksheets! I’ve been sketching out worksheets for myself in notebooks for ages, but I finally decided to make them easier to access, printable, and better-looking.

The Novel Writing Worksheet Pack includes a monthly novel planner and weekly writing logs to help you keep track of scenes, settings, word counts, characters, and, most important, what still needs to be done.

Speaking of which: My husband just walked in on me writing this post. “Why are you making worksheets instead of writing your novel?” asked my wise husband. Who keeps reminding me of that scene from Annie Hall in which Isaac tells his friend Yale, “You’re not honest with yourself. You talk about you want to write a book, but, in the end, you’d rather buy the Porsche, you know?”

Not that I want to buy a Porsche. The point my husband is making is that I ought to be writing the book, but I find other things to do instead, because writing the book is harder than all of the other things.

Caught red-handed. Sigh.

So, be honest with yourself: do you want to write the book, or do you want to buy the Porsche? Or maybe you even hope that once you publish the book, it will be so wildly successful it will lead you to…said Porsche. One can dream.

Anyway, if you want to write your novel instead of fritter away your time on Medium (which we all love, but which we can agree is a big beautiful black hole of time), you can download the Novel Writing Worksheet Pack.


