How To Become A Better Writer Around A Full Time Job

This is how I devote at least 4 hours each day to improving my writing. And it works.

Kyros Vogiatzoglou
A Writing Journey


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Have you ever regretted not having done something that you really wanted in your life?

I have, and it feels horrible. So I promised myself I would never postpone the things that I love to do. That’s why I now do everything I can to improve my writing day in, day out.

Regret is like poison. If you’re in love with writing, don’t let a day pass without doing something about it.

I’m going to show you exactly how I make the time to improve my writing on a daily basis, even though I’ve got a demanding full time job. I do it a few minutes at a time, that’s all. It just takes a bit of discipline and anyone can do it.

Now, maybe I’m not the first to break the news to you, and maybe I am, but this is the naked truth. If you claim that you don’t have the time to learn how to write better, then you’re lying, first of all to yourself.

I know this may not be a particularly good thing to hear, especially if you’re struggling to make the time to write right now, but I’m never going to lie to you. A few minutes is all you need, and if…



Kyros Vogiatzoglou
A Writing Journey

I write fantasy. I love lemon desserts & dragons. Lead Strategist @ MALVI (