How To Use Medium To Chase Your Dreams

I’m starting a revolution, who’s with me?

Kyros Vogiatzoglou
A Writing Journey


In this story, I’ll tell you how to get 10,000 followers. But in 5 minutes from now, you’re not going to want them.

Let’s make Medium a better place, I’ve had enough

I don’t mean “people” in general, I’m talking about you and me. Yes, you.

Are you in?

I’ve been wondering how we can make a difference together

This is not about big goals and spectacular projects. It’s about the small, everyday interactions between us.

My own big, long-term goals are my plans to publish short fiction and eventually a novel. Okay, that will hopefully make a difference — that’s the plan anyway.

But this is not what I need you for.

I need you to help me make our everyday life more interesting, and improve ourselves in the process.

You make a difference by sticking to what you truly believe

I hate the “regular posting”and “newsletter sneaky selling” that’s going on in here. I hate the tactics, the…



Kyros Vogiatzoglou
A Writing Journey

I write fantasy. I love lemon desserts & dragons. Lead Strategist @ MALVI (