Creative Writers Welcomed

Shereese N.
A Writing Space Called Home
3 min readAug 9, 2023

How to submit to A Writing Space Called Home

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

This publication is dedicated to all my fellow writers who are seeking a hub to share fiction, expressions of self, self-growth, and writings that cater to your whimsical passions. This is a place for writing growth and a place to let your magical verbiage shine. It’s not too restrictive, but rather a haven or little nook where your readable voice can be both seen and heard.

Writing we accept:

We accept various types of writing, including fiction and non-fiction, romance, poetry, self-growth, recipes, weird and mysterious, wellness topics, spirituality and mysticism, and some how-to’s. While I don’t mind erotica, it honestly depends on its intensity. Please use your better judgment before submitting any content of this nature.

While making money and gaining a following are often goals we strive for, I believe there are already enough articles on these topics on the medium homepage. Therefore, this publication will not be considering articles surrounding finances.

Formatting and the “read-twice” rule are important

I understand that we’re all human and sum times (sometimes), lol we make minor mistakes — no worries! I don’t plan to nitpick. However, as with any piece you plan to submit, please ensure to “measure twice and cut once,” meaning read it over twice (or even three times) before submitting. Tools like Grammarly and other writing aids can be valuable for spell checks, sentence structures, and more.

Furthermore, consider using titles and subtitles for your pieces. This adds a touch of pizzazz to your writing and attracts more readers. It’s not mandatory, but it’s definitely a suggestion worth considering.

In addition, don’t forget to add a picture that compliments your writing topic!

Interested in becoming a writer for us?

Simply type “Home” and your Medium handle in the comments of this publication to request access. Once added, you can submit up to 3 writing pieces per week for approval. Please note that approvals may take a few days, as I am only human after all.

A few quick guidelines to maintain the magical atmosphere of this writing realm:

  1. No hate speech, please! While we encourage emotionally charged and profound writing, occasionally we receive submissions and comments that carry a hint of disdain. Let’s be mindful and keep this special place enjoyable and pleasant.
  2. Content Originality and Integrity We encourage originality and respect for intellectual property. When submitting content, ensure it’s entirely your own work or appropriately cited if sources are used. Plagiarism is strictly discouraged.
  3. Remember, we write, but we also read! Give your fellow writers claps and share engaging comments. We writers put in a lot of hard work on our creations here in this space called home, and as much as we want others to explore our worded wonders, we should extend the same courtesy.

This is all I have for now, but I’ll update this piece as new aspects arise. Stay confident, keep going, and witness how your writing comes together like magic. Also, make sure to follow this publication and each other. Feel free to share your blogs and other writing platforms for others to engage with. I’m no gatekeeper; I want to see everyone thrive and grow.

Take care, word whisperers, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Let the writing commence!



Shereese N.
A Writing Space Called Home

Alternative Lifestyle Writer " If I'm gonna think it, than I might as well say it!" 🗣