A quarter of a year (Day 92)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2020
Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash

Today Otto is three months old. I know this is very little, but still, it seems like he’s been with us for ages. I think about the day of his birth often and all I can remember are pleasant feelings.

Still, it is now that his personality and little quirks are starting to show is when I’m really loving this journey. I can’t say that it’s been so hard (apart from the breastfeeding experience) as Otto is a wonderful and happy baby. But from the time that he stopped being just this bundle of different basic needs that had to be met and started to display some evidence of learning and engaging with us openly, it’s been amazing. So time just flies.

In his first three months, Otto has grown a lot. He is now double the weight he had left the hospital with. He has grown eleven centimeters. He does tummy-time without fussing now. He shares his smiles with almost anyone he engages with. He’s got his sleeping routine down like a pro. He speaks perfect gibberish and talks to us non-stop. And he keeps making his Mommy fall in love with him more with every passing day.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • breastfeeding sessions: eight
  • diapers changed: five
  • fairytales read: two

