Baby-trapped (Day 64)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2019
Photo by Joshua Reddekopp on Unsplash

Otto has been sleeping a lot these last two days. I mean more than usual. He always sleeps well at night, and he has been napping during the day abundantly.

I’m reasoning it as his time to process what he has seen, felt and experienced in between naps. It is the way he grows.

And sure he does. I mean you can see the difference from when he was a newborn. He is very alert, active and receptive. I’m talking to him a lot, and he is the cutest as he responds mostly by gesticulation, but also with some cooing. And his smiling. It is just something out of this world. It melts your heart, I swear.

The funniest thing is that he absolutely adores the curtains in our living room. He stares at them and I can’t understand what is so fascinating. They’re gray and white and maybe it’s just the contrast that he likes.

We also exercise, sing, read stories, rattle rattles, observe things in our house and cuddle.

So I guess it is a lot to process. And so he has to sleep. At his age, up to fifteen hours per day. He gets good ten to twelve hours at night and he also gets me baby-trapped for four or five during the day. Mostly, he naps with me on the couch or in our bed, as he isn’t accustomed to sleep alone. This is a task we will have to do soon as it will only get harder when he’ll be older.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • afternoon naps: none
  • teeth washed: once
  • meals eaten: two

