Baby’s bed(s) (Day 10)

Sara Tomsic
A Year in a Life
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2019

Today has been a pretty active day for our little family. We traveled to Ljubljana, our nation’s capital, to a craniosacral therapy with our little boy to try to remove some of the stiffness in his body an especially in his yaw. I’m happy to report I feel better breastfeeding him with following the advice from the breastfeeding consultant and having done the therapy with Otto today.

But enough about that. Because of the previous stories I wrote, one can get a feeling that our major challenge of getting used to a life with a newborn is breastfeeding, but there is something to be said about sleeping too.

First, I have to say that both my husband and I are very active people, who do understand the power of a good night’s sleep. In the pre-baby era, we were adamant to getting regular eight hours of zzz time each day. Basically, because we know what lack of it does to your performance and energy level.

So now, with this new arrangement of trying to accommodate a newborn into our lives, we are also keen on getting as much of quality sleep as possible. Let’s just say, there are nights we succeed in that and there are the ones that sleep eludes us.

Anyhow, Otto has four places he could sleep. We planned on having him sleep in a Moses basket placed next to our bed for the first couple of months to have it convenient for nighttime breastfeeding and/or soothing sessions. He also has a nest bed which we oftentimes use during the day for his naps, so he is close to day-to-day action. When he gets a little older, we plan on slowly transitioning him to his crib in his own room.

But I have come to realize that the best place for him (and us) is to sleep in our bed. There are tons of resources advocating on having your newborn in with you for a certain period of time to make him feel safe and comfortable. He also sleeps sounder and longer if he’s snuggled up with me, my husband or even both.

It has turned out that I too feel surer and more comfortable having him close to me because I feel that he is fine and well. And he also sleeps better. And my husband and I sleep better. And that’s all that matters.

Motherhood in numbers:

  • headaches: mother of one for three days straight
  • diapers changed: seven
  • hours of sleep: eleven

